Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Kidney Stone Lodged Female

Pesci dal mondo - Il regaleco

Il regaleco, o re delle aringhe, o pesce remo, uno dei pesci che mi ha affascinato di piu' quando ero piccolo

Anche questa settimana il tempo scarseggia e ci dobbiamo arrangiare con un post in formato ridotto (per venire incontro alle mie capacita' mentali). In attesa della pubblicazione del secondo post del carnevale della biodiversita' prevista per sabato 12 (202 anniversario della nascita di Darwin).

Parliamo del regaleco ( Regalecus glesne ), un pesce strano lungo fino a 17 metri che arriva al peso di 300 kg.

also present in the Mediterranean (sighted off the coast of Croatia a couple of years ago) has a fairly wide distribution, from Sweden to Chile, including the Atlantic, Pacific and Indo-Pacific.
The name derives from the king of the herring sightings of schools of herring in the presence of this fish that according to the fishermen seemed to drive. " When the regaleco and 'close to death or ill swim to the surface, sometimes putting out the red crest above the water, and' considered one of the sources of the legends about sea serpents.
not know much about this fish, however, 'and we know that' meso-pelagic and can 'live up to the surface. You play in a long period from summer to winter and larvae are in the surface layers during growth. Despite the size of the mouth and body 'regaleco small and mainly feeds on small animals that holds through the gill combs.
It is sometimes upright in the water column as in the photo side, yet no one has found un'impotesi consisting of 'cause the face. Some believe that it is adopting a position perhaps to feed.
brackets and 'more fish bone' long that we know.

It 's not difficult to photograph a regaleco, although most people are stranded and dying. Difficult and 'documenting the habits and normal behavior. In 2001, a platform of operators have been able to capture a regaleco swimming in a video which remains the only video of witness regaleco in a normal situation.

regaleco Similar to but much more 'short' Zu cristatus a fish of the same order that is sometimes mistaken for a juvenile phase of regaleco but it 's very different.


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