Friday, February 11, 2011

Changed W-4 To Married, Witholding Is Much Less

Biodiversità e adattamenti, la lotta costante per il cibo e lo spazio - Carnevale della biodiversita' 2 di 6

"Se una soluzione e' stupida ma funziona non e' poi tanto stupida.." Ignoto

February 12, 2011, Charles Darwin and 'born exactly 202 years ago.

And I do not seem real that they are already 'been two months since the first edition of the Carnival, time really flies when you're having fun. In

previous article we looked at biodiversity 'in general and its different meanings.
same time, I realized I was also on the thickness of the articles written by other blogs participating (in a review here on the blog The Watchmaker Myopic ). What is more interesting as two other blogs have joined the initiative from the second edition ..

short, competition and 'high and I never made bene sotto lo stress della competizione.

Non sono l'unico a essere stressato dalla competizione, si potrebbe dire che anche in natura esistono sostanzialmente due modi di rapportarsi alla competizione: o la si perde o la si vince.
La realta' pero' e', come al solito, molto piu' complessa di cosi'. Proviamo insieme a vedere se si puo' riuscire a darne un quadro completo ma ancora capibile..

L'adattamento e' quel processo per cui gli esseri viventi diventano in grado di vivere meglio nel proprio habitat ed e' uno dei due processi (assieme alla speciazione) che modellano il numero di specie che possiamo osservare.
L'adattamento non va confuso pero' con la fitness of a species as there are cases of perfectly adapted species that have low fitness, so it does not mean automatically be adapted to survive in the evolutionary struggle.
It should not be misinterpreted in the Lamarckian sense as a true adaptation to the environment, only a few animals are able to modify your body to adapt to the environment during ontogeny. Rather, adaptation and 'the result of natural selection of random mutations and the products and' this selection which eliminates the forms "less suitable".

But how does adaptation? What 'the mechanism by which animals adapt and what are the natural forces that compel them to do so?

imagine a primordial fish. The aquatic environment and its' rich food (to find and eat) but also to predators (to avoid), competitors of other fish (which prevail, if possible) and subject to a number of changes.

A good defense would be to have thorns or a shell that makes the work of the predators 'difficult but equally valid would be a good camouflage, the eyes are able to identify the predator in time, improved capacity' of swimming for the flight etc etc.
Similarly it may be advantageous to develop teeth that could break the shells of molluscs, or teeth for predation on other fish, or even an apparatus jug to filter plankton from the water ..

you understand where I'm going with this? E 'reasonable to assume that for the same' initial conditions, all these solutions are equally effective. So it will be 'the same range of environmental conditions and biodiversity' will act as the local 'as a filter to select which adjustments will be really effective.
Taking a snapshot of the current situation we should therefore see a multiplicity 'of different forms of adaptation, some other similar and profoundly different, developed according to the constraints of the environment and interactions with other organisms. And so 'e'.

The particular system of survival Notothenioidei, based on proteins that inhibit the growth of ice crystals in their blood, can survive in the cold (-1.9 degrees Celsius) waters of the Antarctic oceans. There will be 'a lot of food but for sure there is' little competition as the biomass of these fish reaching up to 95% of the total.
Such adaptation and 'useful only when there is an environment with characteristics such that a special adaptation and' really necessary. A specialization so 'would be pushing useless in all other environments.
The "ice fish" example of adaptation to environments with extreme conditions.

Modifiche corporee per adattarsi all'ambiente dunque ma anche per riprodursi, nuotare o nutrirsi in maniera piu' efficiente. E' il caso della filtrazione per esempio, sviluppata indipendentemente da diverse classi di pesci per poter "raccogliere" la risorsa del plankton, abbondante ma non di facile accesso.
Pesci spatola, uno degli esempi piu' estremi di filtratori di plankton nelle acque dolci

Similmente la capacita' di mimetizzarsi con l'ambiente circostante (o in alternativa di essere ben evidenti per segnalare un pericolo) dara' vantaggi both in defense and in predation.

Cavalucci A marine dragon leaf "classic example of the ability to 'camouflage in fish (photo by

From these examples we can deduce what? And that 'confirmed that one of the driving forces of evolution (and hence biodiversity') and 'the conquest of new niches and competition for food and reproduction.
This' confirmed by the fossil record presents a picture of large radiation occurred at the very time when, because of extinctions mass, new lands were available to back wins. In the time scale is much more 'restricted' is also what we see today: environments with high diversity 'of habitats host a number of species' large compared to places monotonous (even if the temperature plays a role).

most readers 'attention to this point have begun to think about another issue: the competition for food and space should promote only the best adapted and specialized species,' cause then we do not see only a few forms, those winners of this competition? In other words, because 'biodiversity' and 'great rather than very limited?

La risposta, forse, e' da ricercare nella flessibilita'.
Come me, anche la maggior parte degli organismi non ama la competizione. Se nella stessa zona coesistono due specie di pesci che si nutrono della stessa risorsa e' facile che una delle due sia meglio adattata e quindi tenda a prevaricare sull'altra. Ma per fortuna la natura non e' un ring dove o si vince o si perde.
La soluzione maggiormente adottata e' quella di evitare la competizione estrema e mantenere una certa flessibilita' che sia verso l'ambiente o verso l'interazione con altre specie. Chi non lo fa generalmente si lega indissolubilmente ad un dato ambiente ( i pesci ciechi nelle grotte) o ad una data risorsa ambientale ( i pesci specializzati a nutrirsi dei polipi del corallo) and thus also linked to the success and survival.

Thus forms of specialization and adaptation should not be considered as devices to increase competition to their advantage.
contrast are methods that tend to diminish competition in the specialized forms tend to have less overlap of their niches.

solutions often more 'effective are also the more' simple and what's 'more' easy to avoid confrontations? An extreme form of this principle and 'found in boreal lakes where the diversity' of species and 'low. In these places
interspecific competition and 'very limited but that intraspecific can' be very high. How to avoid the problem?

arctic char from the same lake. Same genetic but very different forms depending on the niche occupied (photo JEB)

Just have enough plasticity '(and salmon have) to be developed differently adapted forms. These forms are not only separated in space, occupying different habitats within the same lake, but also differ in behavior, diet and reproduction. An excellent alternative to having a population of malnourished individuals who fight each other.

is the elegant solution that nature uses to maximize the colonization and biodiversity '. Rather than have them die in a few forms and a constant struggle between them, preferring to share more about 'trophic levels possible, on more' habitat as possible so that all can prosper.

I do not want so if I try to copy this solution, I find a good way to survive the competition ..

You can find reviews of the other articles and links to their blogs nelle pagine di Leucophaea , l'interessante blog di Marco F.


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