Friday, November 26, 2010

Stardoll Dkny For Real Money

Carnevale della biodiversita'

As you have seen this week I published articles. The first reason 'that the workload at the university' and 'definitely increased with the arrival of winter, the second reason, and 'I am preparing some articles with unique theme for two different projects.
One and 'one of the Carnival of Biodiversity'.

year draws to a close and 'celebrate the International Year of biodiversita'per have been pulled by the hair ehm ehm enlisted force kindly invited by Livio Mahengecromis to participate in this initiative very interesting.

This is a series of nature-themed blog, in Italian, which in turn will host articles with different themes that focus on biodiversity 'and its conservation. The idea in this way and 'continuing the tradition of other international years, keeping alive an issue for us, definitely important.

Here the full announcement:

Carnival Biodiversity

about December 15, at the end of 2010, International Year of Biodiversity, start an initiative of the most prestigious Italian blog of Natural History to continue to emphasize the importance of the topic in question, both within the scientific community and the public.

The first edition of the Carnival of Biodiversity will come tema:


tema che i vari Autori svilupperanno con varie sfaccettature in base ai loro personali stili ed interessi. Il blog “L'orologiaio miope” ( ) accoglierà questa prima edizione, passando in rassegna gli articoli scritti dagli altri blogger e segnalandone i link.

I blog partecipanti al progetto saranno I seguenti:

Bottiglie di Leida
Mahengechromis Ramblings of a ciclidofilo
Oryctes Fragments of nature
Paperfish fish biology in progress

Carnival of Biodiversity will be every two months, continuing throughout 2011, and will be hosted in turn by some of the blog participants. Bloggers clearly indicates that the article is written for the purposes of this initiative and link to the blog host two months.

The post should be informative without being either too technical nor too light. The theme will be developed fully and preferably with custom views or opinions of the author. We welcome references to recent scientific work (and not).

The coordinating group wishes a good job to all the blogs that have joined the project and happy reading to all those who want to participate with us in this Carnival.

Marco Ferrari, Livio Leoni, Lisa Master

And the second project? For the moment I do not say anything, but I'll write 'in a dedicated post very soon.


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