Oggi un’altra giornata di mobilitazione davanti a Palazzo Marino, mentre dentro a porte chiuse si svolgeva il consiglio comunale, difeso da transenne e forze del dis-ordine abbiamo lanciato ortaggi e monetine contro il palazzo del comune per ribadire un’ altra volta che i responsabili di Affitopoli , delle politiche abitative,della svendita del patrimonio pubblico se ne devono andare a casa. Abbiamo superato le transenne, donne e bambini compresi perché il Consiglio Comunale dovrebbe essere aperto alla cittadinanza ed è invece un bunker in cui si rifugiano i padroni della città, difesi, oggi come durante gli sgomberi a suon di manganellate utilizzando la polizia come esercito privato.
Tanti gli striscioni e i messaggi della piazza, “Sanatoria ora!” , “Blocco immediato degli sfratti” “20 ANNI DI GOVERNO B. loro stipendi milionari, pluripoltrone, ville ad antigua, affittopoli, bunga bunga e magna magna PER NOI NEANCHE LE BRICIOLE! que se vayan todos!” “Consiglio City is open to the public!
We want to get in! "" 10,000 dead and Berlusconi is complicit tyrants and dictators, mafia que se vayan todos Libya wants freedom "
Many also measures of population tired of being denied home and rights, while those sitting on the chairs of the town and the region you're eating everything, giving money to friends houses procurement of the PDL and the League. There are people on the list for twenty years he has not seen the possibility of obtaining a regular house but instead we have seen in recent days as advisors, their relatives, friends, employers and even right-wing groups get around easily and for housing , shops, even whole buildings.
Two of our main demands, which would be nothing more than proposals for common sense if there were no cracks of these mobsters, fascists, racists and thieves in power
1) The case of Pat, the Polyclinic, the Golgi Redaelli , dell'Aler and State Property are assigned to those in need: the need for occupants, families who can not make ends meet with young people secure jobs.
2) It immediately stop the eviction of families who have taken out of necessity.
were in the square of the committees 'needs for occupants' of many districts of Milan, San Siro, Ticino, Niguarda, Corvette and still away and so feltrinelli Russolo, where the town leaves people to live in homes of asbestos. Together with young families are insecure, lacking access to housing and income between arrabattano precarious. We said loud and clear: que se vayan todos, aimed primarily at PDL and the League and of course we will not stop here!
- The Giorno.it
- Repubblica.it
| Ps. Even today we were by Nitti, Director General of the PAT, to reproach him for not yet named the prefect place for the family evacuated two days ago at the San Siro in which he promised a house. We hope that in the afternoon, while respecting its new statements, made contact with the prefect and the latter finds the time to quickly start the emergency procedure for the award of the house. |
Read the press launch on Thursday 24/02>
immediately stop the evictions and evictions! The real abuses are the coterie of berluscones!
>> Their policies have created the biggest housing crisis of the last twenty years.
>> About 5 thousand ALER empty homes and nearly 80 thousand accommodation vacant, across a waiting list household population of over 100 thousand requests, 60% of the population with an annual income of less than 14 thousand euro, and youth unemployment at 29%.>> Every day in Milan there are only about 10 evictions for arrears from private homes, and in the popular districts must defend their homes from eviction never given advance warning.
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