Thursday, December 9, 2010

Cubase Dongle Emulator

Cosa influenza l'attivita' del luccio? Quando e' meglio pescarlo?

Andoni of EsoxFever with the capture of the year. Besides being a great person and a great angler hour of fishing the entrepreneur also . In the mouth Andoni wolf!

Recently I really miss the time to follow all the material things that are moving to lack of discernment want to workload, or maybe just 'cause if things are moving too much it becomes impossible to follow them ..

latito now too long from the blog and I promised myself to make this post one month ago. The news' of the really interesting for all pike anglers like me. But 'I'm telling you not once, but I have to tell the whole story there' behind.

First things first.

will be held in Berlin in 2011 'a great World Conference on Recreational Fisheries (this ). I may know how I deal with an entirely different branch of biology but as a fisherman and fish in the area and having worked on various projects of this type are obviously very interested in this conference.
The organizer of this conference and 'Robert Arlinghaus, a sort of prodigy in the field who has written numerous articles published in prestigious journals and has made a career faster and more' than deserved. Many of his articles are cited in this blog since he and 'an avid pike angler.

To join the conference this year I tried to retrieve the dataset to be analyzed, but unfortunately those of Finnish associations were fragmentary and inutilizzabili. Ho anche provato ad ottenere un database di catture italiane ma la faccenda si e' arenata mesi fa e non sono mai riuscito ad ottenere i dati completi. Un altro buco nell'acqua.
Avevo gia' da prima molte riserve su questo tipo di dati che non sono certo ideali per fare uno studio serio. L'idea era sfrondare la maggior parte delle informazioni e tenere solo informazioni tipo cattura/non cattura e data, correlare queste informazioni con variabili ambientali (temperatura, fasi lunari) che avrei potuto reperire da altre fonti in seguito.
L'obbiettivo, gia' tentato ma mai veramente riuscito, era provare a isolare le variabili che influenzano la cattura del luccio.Un piccolo studio preliminare che sarebbe stato interessante portare alla conferenza and at the same time would allow me to participate in studies and feel more 'in the date field.

Unfortunately like I 'say anything dataset, no study, well times are tight and would not do anyway in time even if the data miraculously rained from the sky. Patience for the conference but I will remain 'always the doubt as a fisherman ..

Well, since the ways of the Lord are infinite luck would have it, I knew Vincenzo, an Italian researcher on loan to Spain and now in Finland for a year of research. Besides being a great fisherman has a passion for studies on fish as me and has already 'published articles in many fishing magazines. After a couple of
fished together, talking by chance, and 'come out that in July this year on Fisheries Research was published an article about this very subject.

Paradoxically, the first author and 'a researcher who sits on the floor above, perhaps 10 meters of linear distance from where I work, and dealing with statistics and' full of talent. Paradoxically, if I did not say Vincent (who works somewhere else) I probably would have escaped.
much to say that scientists do not coordinate enough and that it is hard to keep up with everything.

The article is based on a German dataset, collected by the researchers and already 'the subject of other studies. Basically a group of fishermen / researchers and 'went fishing pike with various techniques in a lake completely closed to fishing catches noting carefully.
Then using statistical analysis techniques with which I will not bore you tried to figure out what relationship there was between the variables and the outcome of fishing.

The fish caught were 169 on 94 days of fishing and environmental variables measured were water temperature, humidity 'air speed' and the wind direction, barometric pressure and pressure changes, moon phase, fishing pressure , length of day and quantity 'of rain.
short, the classical variables that many pike anglers are watching closely.

The study found that catches were significantly related to water temperature, the speed 'of the wind and moon phases. Windspeeds of 3-4 meters per second, temperatures below 18-20 degrees and at full or new moon appear to be ideal conditions.
addition, the majority of the catch and 'took place during the change of light and in days when the fish were not pressed for a couple of days.
These variables combined explain a difference of one order of magnitude in the catch. Not bad.

Obviously with this study you can not actually determine a "golden age" and, as the authors point out, fishing is still an activity 'related to the case (the fishermen would say thankfully). It 's impossible to predict that one day will 'definitely productive and so most of us can not choose the day to go. Even with ideal conditions the coat and 'just around the corner.

not a revolution but then makes an excellent study for the first time attempts to scientifically analyze what has hitherto been assumed by fishermen around the world and which underpins some of the insights that the fishermen had already 'prepared based on experience.

Next year we'll do a full statistical our catches, Andoni true? And let's see what comes out ..

Kuparinen A., Klefoth T., Arlinghaus R. Abiotic and fishing-related correlates of angling catch rates in pike (Esox lucius). Fisheries Research 105:111-117


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