Blinky, mascot of the "Isotopes" baseball team in Springfield drawn by Matt Groening, known as "fish triocchiuto"
Blinky and 'a very special fish imagine if it were real.
Unfortunately not 'possbile to find a fish with three eyes, although some fossil Cephalaspis (a fish from the Devonian) have a fissure in the skull which allowed vision through "the eye pineal and therefore you can 'say that somehow they had "three eyes".
In the case of mutations is difficult to begin to develop a true third eye as the bauplan and the complex has mostly fish hox' mutations of and inequality 'teratological like this tend to make the individual life.
Cephalaspis the fish of the Devonian triocchiuto
But if the mutations are in fact equal 'cause we do not have fish with four eyes?
Again, to make a speech simplistic, one must consider that the basic pattern vertebrates provides only a pair of eyes and the growth of an additional pair of eyes and the other side 'is not only mortal but also a change that must involve genes essential for the development of the body. More 'or less equivalent to redefine not only the individual but the whole class ..
but since 'we are talking about fish better not to give everything for granted. Indeed, there is a kind of South American fish that has developed a very special adaptation of the eyes. The kind
Anableps presents a pair of eyes above and a pair of eyes lower.
Anableps an apt name for an alien and this photo and 'just what seems
Dual Anableps eyes are fully functional, have two separate eyes even if they share the irises. The fish live at the boundary between air and water, and over the eyes are perfectly suited for watching out of the water, the lens itself and 'modified for aerial vision while the eye and less' to fit the spherical aberrations of vision in water .
With the eyes detail can identify insects that are about to fall or who are on the lower surface of the water while controlling the water for aquatic prey. The same applies to the escape from predators.
E 'the case to say it. Often the nature surpasses the human imagination. 4 to 3 for Anableps.
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