After the trout mutants, some time ago we are talking about a subject close enough .. but only in the title.
Some time ago, had appeared in the papers the news of 'super salmon imminent arrival of the American
on the tables. Actually 'and this arrival' far from imminent, and 'in progress for years but a bloody battle on the legal and ecological that no one knows when it will end'.
But as usual I'm anticipating too much, first things first ..
In a nutshell the transgenic salmon and AquAdvantage 'version of a genetically modified Atlantic salmon by adding genes from chinook salmon. Without going into detail on the mechanisms and the main result of 'a fish that has no inhibition to growth hormone (GH) during the cold season and therefore continues to grow throughout the year. The growth and also 'stimulated and the results of culture, at least what the manufacturer says, seem to be exceptional growth up to 2 times more' fast, best conversion rate of 10-30%.
E 'old stuff, the Italian general media almost always arrive late on this news (never late like this blog, the post and 'been pending for months) and abroad what he had already' spoken for a while '. For example, if it was busy this British series that deals with biotechnology and food production already 'in 2007.
others have engaged in a decidedly less enthusiastic about, such as the biological blog.
The argument 'interesting' cause in addition to issues related to genetically modified organisms also joins the fears of a possible environmental impact. With regard to genetically modified organisms do not I enter into an explanation that would be long and controversial, people can 'make their own mind reading the countless blog pro-biological (such as the one mentioned above but there are many more readily available with a simple search) or pro-GMO (or as
http://biotecnologiebastabugie.blogspot. com /
). The joints of animals from farms, including those of fish, are something that happens regularly because 'security and 100%' utopia. The FDA (the authorities 'American food) is considering for some time whether to authorize the sale of salmon between GMOs and the risks that it is considering there is' just what pollution and biological impact. The company
'AquaBounty, producer of transgenic salmon,
che questi rischi non sussistono essendo i salmoni commerciati controllati uno per uno per la sterilita' e quindi incapaci di inquinare geneticamente le popolazioni naturali. Sarei un po' piu' scettico invece sugli effetti della predazione diretta visto che numerosi studi dimostrano che il salmone squadvantage e' obbiettivamente piu' famelico del non-GM.
L'Aquabounty inoltre e' nota per commercializzare bene (fa il suo lavoro) i propri prodotti, prodotti che non sempre rispettano le aspettative create.
Di sicuro c'e' che l'allevamento dei pesci e' una soluzione temporanea (bisognerebbe verificarne l'ecosostenibilita' nel lungo periodo) al problema dell'impoverimento degli stock e il salmone e' il n.1 dei pesci commerciali per As regards the rearing. Certainly there 'that the risk, both from an ecological point of view of food, should always be evaluated according to a reasonable precautionary principle. But what's the point of "reasonableness"?
Sorry if I raised more with the article 'questions than answers. It was precisely that my intention: I'd like to see developed a discussion in the comments.
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