Unity is strength, and today the committees are people living in Milan have shown that when you are certain you can get a result. After a full day of permanent garrison improvised by the occupants out of necessity - in the wake of demonstrations this morning - the family being evacuated Tuesday Manzano three nights sleeping in the open courtyard between the cockroaches and the absolute indifference of the institutions of this city, got a hotel accommodation by the City until you will be assigned a house. From about 12 50 persone hanno portato le scatole di cartone con le quali la famiglia, con quattro figli, ha convissuto nel cortile di uno stabile popolare, aiutata dalla solidarietà degli abitanti che si sono dati il cambio per farle compagnia e coraggio. Per tutto il giorno davanti a Palazzo Marino gli abitanti hanno scandito slogan come "Date agli abusivi la casa di Pennisi", rivendicando l'assegnazione di tutte le case sfitte e di "quella di Prosperini", e denunciando le politiche killer, le collusioni e i panni sporchi che sempre più escono dagli armadi del Comune. Si trovava casualmente a passare di lì un malcapitato assessore, che immediatamente è stato braccato dai comitati, e messo all'angolo dalle argomentazioni dei manifestanti ("Ci sono oltre ALER 5 thousand empty houses "," The evictions kill! ") Had to promise that they would take care of the matter: after eight hours of" hard work "was able to respond to the pressure of the garrison. Today's result marks a ' turnaround compared the treatment of people evicted in Milan in recent years, left to themselves, and knowing this does not mean that the municipality has changed the air, we expect that the same reasoning is appliacata to all persons who and you will find in the same condition: - The house is a right for all * and no * must be left to sleep on the street, for any reason. - Respect the promise and give a home to the family, because this is not a permanent solution, and give a home to all cases of emergency housing. - Stop the evictions, and if you are not interested in people's lives we give you more data to convince you: save money moved, and the hotel!
- Now regularized all occupants out of necessity. Otherwise, we are ready to return to find you. Read the press release: Entitlements are not cleared, the families, much less!
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