Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Make Paragraph These Words

Michael Paul's memory

Cortina 08/24/2009

Dear Dario, Marco, Fabrizio, Stephen, dear friends ,
hard to start this letter in your memory, too is the pain and discomfort to find the right words, but also too much for me is the need to express the affection and friendship that I have always had for all of you.
I lost four friends, four members of a family, yes, the mountain rescue is my second family for me to start from 1982 when I came to join as a volunteer and was born in 1988 when the helicopter Bellunese or better SUEM Pieve di Cadore becoming helicopter technician.
Never ever thought I would witness a tragedy of such magnitude.
I can not comprehend of what has happened, I knew too well the rider Dario De Felip to believe an error of this kind. I was particularly attached to him by a deep respect and friendship, when mounted on duty at church or Treviso and I knew that he was on duty I was happy because we talked a lot, di tutto, della sua lunga gavetta per diventare pilota di elicottero, di lavori edili, di preparare la legna nel bosco, anche lui come mio padre si è costruito un argano a motore per trainare i tronchi nel bosco e ci si scambiava le esperienze sui vari metodi a volte come sempre ci si prendeva in giro entrambi, finendo sempre a ridere e a scherzare.
Ero li sabato ho vissuto attimo dopo attimo tutta la tragedia, sono salito immediatamente sull’elicottero “Pelikan” di Bressanone fatto arrivare per la ricerca, abbiamo individuato il relitto dall’alto, siamo atterrati nei pressi, già sul posto si trovavano alcuni dei miei colleghi arrivati in jeep e con la moto.
E 'was horrible to see, "Falco" lying on the ground with its load of death, I rushed inside the car to see if there was any hope for any of them but now Fabio, our doctor I said that unfortunately there was no hope for anyone. I was inside the helicopter with them to avoid the idea that they were not dead, we were once again side by side ready to leave for another mission, the engines were still warm as they warm their bodies, but I answered their calling, their voices not heard in the headphones, at that moment I realized that everything was over, the agony and the pain they were having the better of me when Maximus and the rest of my colleagues I was literally extracted from the cockpit. A few moments were enough for me to return to me and remind me that I was there to help and to do my duty. We returned in the elimination was to draw out their bodies in a hurry because the weather was deteriorating dramatically and we were all in the river in a kind of death trap if it had started to rain heavily again. There was debris all around the rescuers now coming more and more to help out the bodies were put back out in body bags ready to be transported downstream for their last flight. We stayed to watch the wreck fino a sera quando poi sono arrivati i carabinieri a darci il cambio.
Ho letto i giornali ieri e oggi, e vorrei precisare una cosa se mi è permesso:
siamo chiamati “Angeli delle Dolomiti” addirittura eroi, no cari amici, io, come penso tutti i miei colleghi non ci sentiamo ne angeli ne tanto meno eroi, siamo persone assolutamente normali, persone si dedite al lavoro e al sacrificio e con un forte spirito di abnegazione, consapevoli che quando veniamo chiamati per missioni di soccorso in montagna mettiamo in gioco la nostra stessa vita come poi purtroppo è successo sabato sul Cristallo,
but from here to be angels or Heroes is still a long way to go .. The heroes do not exist on earth in my opinion, exist only in fairy tales, and the only Angels in heaven, now surely Dario, Marco, Stefano Fabrizio and will be, from the sky and we will watch and protect us even more, every time that we would be called upon to do our duty to mountain rescuers.
hero is only the Almighty who created the universe and his son Jesus who died on the cross for our good, or so they taught us and given to believe. We too believe in what we do, and now with eyes full of tears and sorrow we all next to them for the last goodbye, and to see "Falco" fly away towards the sky above a mountain which borders always, even to the lowest.

; ; ; Paul Bellodis


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