Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Store Vegan Barbecue Sauce

Questo racconto di Michela è stato pubblicato sulla rivista del CNSAS. Rivista che ha ritenuto di dover tributare solo questo ricordo ad un SUO equipaggio. Io avrei fatto una scelta diversa vista la gravità dell'evento e lo spessore professionale crew lost.
Thank goodness that at least beautifully written Michael has found a place.
Thanks Michael.

"But if there are no mountains, he comes back here." He says a smiling friend of Cassamatta after the funeral, when thousands of people came to pay him a final farewell to the crew of the Hawk are gone bringing with it a bit 'of pain, and how many will remain have known, forced to follow one of the four coffins directed in different places, mentre vorrebbero poterli accompagnare tutti e quattro fino alla fine. Scrivere qualcosa di loro dovrebbe essere facile per uno che lo fa di professione, invece sto facendo molta fatica, ma so anche che ognuno di noi sarebbe felice di poter dedicare loro un pensiero. Io lo farò a modo mio, come sono capace e perchè voglio ricordarli come erano: uomini pieni di vita, pronti a mettersi a disposizione degli altri in ogni momento. Senza elencare imprese, pareti, scalate, ore di volo, soccorsi effettuati, sicuramente dimenticherei qualcosa e non trasparirebbe il mio affetto. 
Sabato pomeriggio the incident. Friday morning for an emergency hospital in Belluno, expected to be tens of minutes to be seen, when I heard the unmistakable noise of the helicopter. I thought "Wait till I go to see who's turn." Helicopter emergency medical technician and had already departed, there were Dario and Marco. I go up limping, a fast embrace both, as always, Darius is concerned to know how I am, Marco begins to tease. As always. For five years I have lived in close contact with the Mountain Rescue and the SUEM. A daily contact that led me to know the entire
regiment, the Belluno, the rest of the Veneto, the cave. A constant ratio to draw the endless list of interventions, into something that borders on the family, understood as 'family'. Fabrizio knew him even before he became press officer of the SVAS. At a
demonstration at the home, which took part in the school and I had to write the paper. From that day on, every time we met, I wondered why I had not yet raised a small angioma on the red nose and I reply "But you think I go around with a scar in the middle of all ' eye, I want to worry about a hemangioma? ".
Lately Dario and Marco saw them in pairs, like a barbecue at the home of Commander Fantato in early summer, where Marco is fooled by his son . If I think of Mark, I smile. I can only associate it with ironic intelligence, ready wit.
Cassamatta The first meeting dates back to one of the first practical helicopter. I was approaching a hoist hook and winches, and that day between elitecnici there was one particularly hairy. With him and with other 4 Smoking Barrels, I experienced one of the most thrilling experiences of my life, a stroll in the gorge, which for them was a walk, an adventure for me crazy. In the days of the avalanche on the Pala Alta, when two boys were trying invested, he directed the operations made possible by the risky separation of more snow. In March, with him, Max, Station Head of Belluno, and Mauro, Technical eli also from Belluno,
I climbed up to the avalanche I too, to see with my own eyes what it can do nature.
the accident Saturday afternoon.
Saturday morning at home, almost immobilized. I get messages of some relatively simple interventions. Wait for the teams and Falco concluded maneuvers to call the technical center and tell me what happened. At 14:29 the message:
LANDSLIDE IN RIO GERE. Wait a bit 'and I am a short number. Claudio, technical center that day, it makes me a summary of three rescue and tells me that Falco is on patrol over the landslide to make sure there are affected. At that time Dario and Claudio speaks on the radio makes me listen to the description of what he was doing at the time the helicopter. Everything normal. I put down, per lasciarli lavorare in pace. E' un giornale, dopo, a chiamare me. “Michela, avete l'elicottero fuori?”. “Sì è in perlustrazione a Rio Gere su una frana”. “Ma è caduto?”. “Cosa stai dicendo?”. Sono fuori di me, metto giù e chiamo Rufus. Sta piangendo. E' in macchina con il primario del Suem, stanno andando a Cortina. Cinque minuti di silenzio radio sono bastati a far intuire il peggio. “Come stanno?”. “Sono morti tutti”. E' il buio.
Si cerca di razionalizzare, si cerca di fermare l'ondata di terrore che sale, trying to avoid giving a name to the crew members of which still do not know your identity. Then
replaces the need to know and when, one by one, the names are made, the pain explodes. In an instant, like a telepathic message every station knows, rescuers shook his head, every friend whispers, "It is not possible." It takes a while because the delegation to take the face of family and close a barrier to hold his men and their relatives.
In five thousand people wanted to attend the funeral Tuesday. The church was packed, out people filled the square and the streets of entry. Inside the cathedral, hundreds of rescue workers from around the Veneto, Friuli, Trentino Alto Adige, Lombardy, SUEM staff, representatives of agencies and associations. And many ordinary people, arrived in town
entire province, as many parts of Italy, Umbria, from Frosinone, string along in a silent embrace. People who I would like to thank on behalf of the Delegation.

Saturday, August 22, 2009
During the reconnaissance flight over a landslide in the area of \u200b\u200bRio Gere, in Cortina d'Ampezzo, for
verify there were no people involved, the helicopter crashed SUEM of Pieve di Cadore. Have lost their lives in the impact Dario De Felip, pilot Inaer, Fabrizio Spaziani, medical SUEM, regional director of school health CNSAS, Station Pieve di Cadore
, Marco Zago, aeronautical engineer Inaer and technical staff of the Mountain Rescue Station Belluno, Stefano Da Forno 'Cassamatta', helicopter technician, director of the regional school Technical CNSAS, Feltham Station.

Make Paragraph These Words

Michael Paul's memory

Cortina 08/24/2009

Dear Dario, Marco, Fabrizio, Stephen, dear friends ,
hard to start this letter in your memory, too is the pain and discomfort to find the right words, but also too much for me is the need to express the affection and friendship that I have always had for all of you.
I lost four friends, four members of a family, yes, the mountain rescue is my second family for me to start from 1982 when I came to join as a volunteer and was born in 1988 when the helicopter Bellunese or better SUEM Pieve di Cadore becoming helicopter technician.
Never ever thought I would witness a tragedy of such magnitude.
I can not comprehend of what has happened, I knew too well the rider Dario De Felip to believe an error of this kind. I was particularly attached to him by a deep respect and friendship, when mounted on duty at church or Treviso and I knew that he was on duty I was happy because we talked a lot, di tutto, della sua lunga gavetta per diventare pilota di elicottero, di lavori edili, di preparare la legna nel bosco, anche lui come mio padre si è costruito un argano a motore per trainare i tronchi nel bosco e ci si scambiava le esperienze sui vari metodi a volte come sempre ci si prendeva in giro entrambi, finendo sempre a ridere e a scherzare.
Ero li sabato ho vissuto attimo dopo attimo tutta la tragedia, sono salito immediatamente sull’elicottero “Pelikan” di Bressanone fatto arrivare per la ricerca, abbiamo individuato il relitto dall’alto, siamo atterrati nei pressi, già sul posto si trovavano alcuni dei miei colleghi arrivati in jeep e con la moto.
E 'was horrible to see, "Falco" lying on the ground with its load of death, I rushed inside the car to see if there was any hope for any of them but now Fabio, our doctor I said that unfortunately there was no hope for anyone. I was inside the helicopter with them to avoid the idea that they were not dead, we were once again side by side ready to leave for another mission, the engines were still warm as they warm their bodies, but I answered their calling, their voices not heard in the headphones, at that moment I realized that everything was over, the agony and the pain they were having the better of me when Maximus and the rest of my colleagues I was literally extracted from the cockpit. A few moments were enough for me to return to me and remind me that I was there to help and to do my duty. We returned in the elimination was to draw out their bodies in a hurry because the weather was deteriorating dramatically and we were all in the river in a kind of death trap if it had started to rain heavily again. There was debris all around the rescuers now coming more and more to help out the bodies were put back out in body bags ready to be transported downstream for their last flight. We stayed to watch the wreck fino a sera quando poi sono arrivati i carabinieri a darci il cambio.
Ho letto i giornali ieri e oggi, e vorrei precisare una cosa se mi è permesso:
siamo chiamati “Angeli delle Dolomiti” addirittura eroi, no cari amici, io, come penso tutti i miei colleghi non ci sentiamo ne angeli ne tanto meno eroi, siamo persone assolutamente normali, persone si dedite al lavoro e al sacrificio e con un forte spirito di abnegazione, consapevoli che quando veniamo chiamati per missioni di soccorso in montagna mettiamo in gioco la nostra stessa vita come poi purtroppo è successo sabato sul Cristallo,
but from here to be angels or Heroes is still a long way to go .. The heroes do not exist on earth in my opinion, exist only in fairy tales, and the only Angels in heaven, now surely Dario, Marco, Stefano Fabrizio and will be, from the sky and we will watch and protect us even more, every time that we would be called upon to do our duty to mountain rescuers.
hero is only the Almighty who created the universe and his son Jesus who died on the cross for our good, or so they taught us and given to believe. We too believe in what we do, and now with eyes full of tears and sorrow we all next to them for the last goodbye, and to see "Falco" fly away towards the sky above a mountain which borders always, even to the lowest.

; ; ; Paul Bellodis

Shingles What Does It Look Like

The memory of the memory of John Frederick

Falco passes over home: go to Cortina. How many times I've seen and how much in bad weather, but this time say "I do not envy at all the crew that is going to encounter the storm."

The door opens with a burst that looks like the are breaking down is my brother and just ask him "there is an emergency?" And already I'm imagining, raising the answer "yes", just do not know what to expect " a group of scouts? a fungaiolo? hikers on a trail? a car off the road in some hole? "... in a flash comes the reply, the only thing that I never expected that I would never have imagined. With a choked voice said to me:
"He went down the helicopter"
"Coooooooosa?" "Where? How? Who?
“Dario e Marco di sicuro, altri non so” continua “Ma guarda se Zago doveva andare a morire così l’ultimo turno!!!”
Il tempo di prendere l’imbragatura e il casco e metterli nello zaino. Ed in casa è silenzio.

I muscoli delle gambe tremano: altre morti amiche mi hanno fatto sentire questa sensazione, ma mai così profondamente devastante. Mi siedo al tavolo della sala e guardo fuori dalla finestra, da quella finestra da cui un’ora prima ho visto passare Falco. E tiro il fiato, a fondo. Mi rimbombano in testa quelle parole “è andato giù l’elicottero”, mi balena per la testa il titolo del film “black Hawk Down, "" Hawk Down "and a new wave of frost falls on me.

walk in the woods, I take the rain, hoping to wash away the pleasure I take this nightmare, this reality that is enveloping all so viciously. I receive phone calls, "you all right? your brother? "My brother went in to Cortina, it seems to me obvious: it took me a while 'to realize that he is a helicopter technician.
Spaziani There seems to be on board. The first thing I think is, "many immediately associate Fabrizio Falco, is the doctor best known: that is why I say his name, will una di quelle voci che inizia a correre…”
Vado in piazzola. Non si parla molto. Sguardi gonfi, voci roche. Saluti borbottati. Monosillabi. Notizia ufficiale: tutti morti.
Dario e Marco. Uuuuuu, prendo fiato.
Fabrizio. Silenzio. Era vero, non era una voce. Trattengo il fiato.
Mi passano davanti agli occhi tutti i visi degli elitecnici che conosco:
Stefano. Uuuuuu. Lascio andare il fiato.
La piazzola non è vuota. C’è Leone. Penso che quell’equipaggio, quegli uomini e donne, che ho davanti agli occhi solo poco prima hanno fatto la missione, forse, più difficile della loro carriera. The pilot? And the coach? Falco Cos'avranno thought to see there at the river while they were coming? And Zilio? Irrational thoughts overlap. And the nurses? Then I see Piller, his expression mild and I think that life puts it down really heavy.
Leone takes off ... no, not the same noise.
is no longer so much the sound that I like to listen.

I go home, that I'm doing here? I would go to greet those of central: Emma, \u200b\u200bCecilia, John, the technical center and the others but I have no words to say, there are none.

step for the evening di là, da lontano vedo la piazzola illuminata; il primo pensiero, quello solito: sta arrivando un elicottero. Sono abbastanza conscio da non pensare sia Falco. Penso a Leone. Poi mi dico che il volo notturno non c’è comunque.
La luce strobo accesa, la manica a vento e la piazzola illuminate: erano per Falco quando tirava tardi.
Lo stomaco si accartoccia come una foglia d’autunno.
In mezzo alla piazzola un mazzo di fiori, segno delicato e brutale della realtà.
La gola si chiude in uno spasmo.
Stanotte le luci sono accese, resteranno accese. Falco non tornerà.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Whats A 60 Gtt/min And Heparin

Giovanna Zilio, the doctor who was on duty at Treviso on August 22, sent me this his memory. My apologies to Aldo that I know to be sensitive to these memories, we all are but this is perhaps our way forward and continue. Of course you are free not to read, is what I wrote is what I wrote and what Giovanna maybe others will want to add.
Meanwhile, thanks to Joan, and it is not true that you have been in vain. That evening, your smile reminded me of going forward, none of us is alone.
______________ ___ ___ ___

Even if he should be a day of rain in Treviso was the usual hot day, and I already got the second shirt changed. We were back laughing from the first mission, where the farmer had given us whole pieces of wine and he had the heli full of grapes that soon after we were eating, laughing just lived for adventure and looking at the pictures taken. Then after lunch, everyone was napping in their rooms, some in bunkers, some in the greenhouse.

The phone call she received Sara, played the blue wildly and started to jump uralre in the corridor by Nico from the chair of the bunker where he had dozed off and then came out screaming to call the others who were coming towards the 'yet another blue.

I dream often the journey that we fact treviso - Crystal, I think 13 / 1 or so there was endless, church shouting over the radio to pay attention to the cables, for God's sake beware of cables and every two minutes where you are, where you are and where you are pellikan who could not land and took up Belodis church and then asked to stop calling the radio and that they had just called their news, then back to a lion, a lion or your location.

And then when we pulled them out. They ran out because my input was totally irrelevant. Unfortunately. Even a live, one leads to Treviso, would have been different.

I can not deny that I did not know them like you, and then I can not be a similar pain, but that is a day that I still dreamed of and I will never forget.

A friend, who lost a friend that day told me he wanted to look at it long when he pulled out but could not recognize him in this broken body and again, each time Falco is to bring some patients still waiting .. wanted to present the day before when he came to Treviso because he said it was a wonderful person who deserved to be known, but Falco was to run away and I missed the chance .. next time we have said. One other friend did not say anything, but from that day for all subsequent missions has no rice nor joked as he always did.

Someone called from the crystal in the central, to say something (about a dozen times in ten minutes) but produced only curses (against destiny so numb?)

In Central was not there, but when we got back to the past ten o'clock in the evening after leaving Leo in place of Falco came in there against all the boys in the afternoon round, felt that he did not have to go home.

I do not know what to say. That day I was totally useless.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Milena Velba Archives Gallerys

My memory of that day

What you heard when the rotor Dario took the cables of the power line? Marco and me? You will understand now, you'll be stuck at that your carabiner. Noise and vibration. It must have been a moment, seconds out while not understanding the world will have begun to turn and then silence. Only the flow of water in the stream. Muddy water on pieces of sheet metal. A blue cross on a piece of tail broken. Remains of a shovel on a steep lawn. Someone who calls you on the radio. Falco by papacharly. Falco by Sierra1. Falco, Falco, Falco ...
No response. Now not only the flow of water pouring over. The water just before it was raging torrent, a river that kills. The water that now flows on the glass of the window, burst continuous litany of the mountain, a prelude to winter.
I was on the couch. Between drowsiness and the other a shower. Robert was in the shower. I was going to get up or maybe just to return the book in a strange autumn Saturday in August.
He played the telephone, was Nico. I responded warmly, no worries. Parish said he fell. As. The helicopter fell. How? How are they? All dead. NOOOOOOOOO NO
A long film, unreal, not screamed, choked, open net, but damped scanned. I remember him not as a scar that is, a cut and decided to slow, sudden strong. Nooo.
I got up from the couch, Roberta is out of the bathroom, I continued to talk. Maybe you want to go back. And 'something happened now and not turn off nothing has happened. Where did it happen. On the front of the Crystal Faloria. As. They took the wires. What. Power line. But there is nothing to be done? Sure? All the dead? Yes, Dario, Marco, then? Fabrizio and Cassamatta. I do not know what to say, attack, walk away. Kitchen, living room, kitchen, living room and then say oh my God I feel sick. Roberta tells me you sit down, have a drink. If I sit down I know it happened, I put the seal on all happened, I do not sit down, keep walking. I'll do it for days.
's so happened Marco. Mark's why I say you is not supposed to happen. It was the penultimate day of the last round you would do with us. The only shift that ignorant people who does not know what it means to love for this work in this place with these people made you do this year. But I think after this. I just know that I can feel your lack and guilt to get intimate in the first place when friends piled in that wreck lying on its side in that stream are also another three. There's nothing really to do anything, and I walk, I try, maybe pray. No, no swearing is not needed as you do not need to pray. You just need to understand, accept. But you need to understand. The dynamics? The logic? Why? There is nothing to understand. It is to finally sit down and think about it so hard it hurts.