Questo racconto di Michela è stato pubblicato sulla rivista del CNSAS. Rivista che ha ritenuto di dover tributare solo questo ricordo ad un SUO equipaggio. Io avrei fatto una scelta diversa vista la gravità dell'evento e lo spessore professionale crew lost.
Thank goodness that at least beautifully written Michael has found a place.
Thanks Michael.
"But if there are no mountains, he comes back here." He says a smiling friend of Cassamatta after the funeral, when thousands of people came to pay him a final farewell to the crew of the Hawk are gone bringing with it a bit 'of pain, and how many will remain have known, forced to follow one of the four coffins directed in different places, mentre vorrebbero poterli accompagnare tutti e quattro fino alla fine. Scrivere qualcosa di loro dovrebbe essere facile per uno che lo fa di professione, invece sto facendo molta fatica, ma so anche che ognuno di noi sarebbe felice di poter dedicare loro un pensiero. Io lo farò a modo mio, come sono capace e perchè voglio ricordarli come erano: uomini pieni di vita, pronti a mettersi a disposizione degli altri in ogni momento. Senza elencare imprese, pareti, scalate, ore di volo, soccorsi effettuati, sicuramente dimenticherei qualcosa e non trasparirebbe il mio affetto.
Sabato pomeriggio the incident. Friday morning for an emergency hospital in Belluno, expected to be tens of minutes to be seen, when I heard the unmistakable noise of the helicopter. I thought "Wait till I go to see who's turn." Helicopter emergency medical technician and had already departed, there were Dario and Marco. I go up limping, a fast embrace both, as always, Darius is concerned to know how I am, Marco begins to tease. As always. For five years I have lived in close contact with the Mountain Rescue and the SUEM. A daily contact that led me to know the entire
regiment, the Belluno, the rest of the Veneto, the cave. A constant ratio to draw the endless list of interventions, into something that borders on the family, understood as 'family'. Fabrizio knew him even before he became press officer of the SVAS. At a
demonstration at the home, which took part in the school and I had to write the paper. From that day on, every time we met, I wondered why I had not yet raised a small angioma on the red nose and I reply "But you think I go around with a scar in the middle of all ' eye, I want to worry about a hemangioma? ".
Lately Dario and Marco saw them in pairs, like a barbecue at the home of Commander Fantato in early summer, where Marco is fooled by his son . If I think of Mark, I smile. I can only associate it with ironic intelligence, ready wit.
Cassamatta The first meeting dates back to one of the first practical helicopter. I was approaching a hoist hook and winches, and that day between elitecnici there was one particularly hairy. With him and with other 4 Smoking Barrels, I experienced one of the most thrilling experiences of my life, a stroll in the gorge, which for them was a walk, an adventure for me crazy. In the days of the avalanche on the Pala Alta, when two boys were trying invested, he directed the operations made possible by the risky separation of more snow. In March, with him, Max, Station Head of Belluno, and Mauro, Technical eli also from Belluno,
I climbed up to the avalanche I too, to see with my own eyes what it can do nature.
the accident Saturday afternoon.
Saturday morning at home, almost immobilized. I get messages of some relatively simple interventions. Wait for the teams and Falco concluded maneuvers to call the technical center and tell me what happened. At 14:29 the message:
LANDSLIDE IN RIO GERE. Wait a bit 'and I am a short number. Claudio, technical center that day, it makes me a summary of three rescue and tells me that Falco is on patrol over the landslide to make sure there are affected. At that time Dario and Claudio speaks on the radio makes me listen to the description of what he was doing at the time the helicopter. Everything normal. I put down, per lasciarli lavorare in pace. E' un giornale, dopo, a chiamare me. “Michela, avete l'elicottero fuori?”. “Sì è in perlustrazione a Rio Gere su una frana”. “Ma è caduto?”. “Cosa stai dicendo?”. Sono fuori di me, metto giù e chiamo Rufus. Sta piangendo. E' in macchina con il primario del Suem, stanno andando a Cortina. Cinque minuti di silenzio radio sono bastati a far intuire il peggio. “Come stanno?”. “Sono morti tutti”. E' il buio.
Si cerca di razionalizzare, si cerca di fermare l'ondata di terrore che sale, trying to avoid giving a name to the crew members of which still do not know your identity. Then
replaces the need to know and when, one by one, the names are made, the pain explodes. In an instant, like a telepathic message every station knows, rescuers shook his head, every friend whispers, "It is not possible." It takes a while because the delegation to take the face of family and close a barrier to hold his men and their relatives.
In five thousand people wanted to attend the funeral Tuesday. The church was packed, out people filled the square and the streets of entry. Inside the cathedral, hundreds of rescue workers from around the Veneto, Friuli, Trentino Alto Adige, Lombardy, SUEM staff, representatives of agencies and associations. And many ordinary people, arrived in town
entire province, as many parts of Italy, Umbria, from Frosinone, string along in a silent embrace. People who I would like to thank on behalf of the Delegation.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
During the reconnaissance flight over a landslide in the area of \u200b\u200bRio Gere, in Cortina d'Ampezzo, for
verify there were no people involved, the helicopter crashed SUEM of Pieve di Cadore. Have lost their lives in the impact Dario De Felip, pilot Inaer, Fabrizio Spaziani, medical SUEM, regional director of school health CNSAS, Station Pieve di Cadore
, Marco Zago, aeronautical engineer Inaer and technical staff of the Mountain Rescue Station Belluno, Stefano Da Forno 'Cassamatta', helicopter technician, director of the regional school Technical CNSAS, Feltham Station.