Tuesday, July 13, 2010

How To Know 375 Oil Without Thermometer

eviction! The struggle for housing does not go on vacation! Rights are not cleared, woe betide anyone who touches us!

Nemmeno in estate possiamo stare tranquilli. Se i politici stanno in vacanza sui loro yacht o nelle loro case gratis, per chi non ha accesso ai diritti non c'è nessuna pausa estiva: gli sgomberi e gli sfratti di chi non riesce più a pagarsi la casa vanno avanti insieme agli sporchi piani di palazzinari e imprenditori, nel tentativo di svuotare il quartiere s.siro non solo dagli occupanti ma anche dagli inquilini assegnatari e addirittura chi sta in alloggio privato, per trasformarlo in un quartiere per ricchi in vista di Expo 2015. Oggi infatti abbiamo assistito all' ennesima vergogna in quartiere, dove alcuni agenti immobiliari si are presented with a lot of police out of the house to throw a family with four children guilty only of failing to pay the rent in times of crisis: the consequences of these maneuvers "crisis" of the Berlusconi government, and policies of selling off assets public real estate. The war against the occupiers need no longer enough: even those who rent from private tenant or assignee Aler is under threat of eviction if they fail to pay the rent.
This is the way the government handles the crisis, deprivation of rights for the poor, the privileged few, all friends of politicians, businessmen and mobsters, preferring the heavy hand and fanning the flames of war between the poor to continue to continue undisturbed their million-dollar fraud. Do not give any economic support to those who can not pay the rent or the mortgage, give no alternative for those who are evicted or evicted if the road, do not assign even the thousands of empty houses.

today along with the other inhabitants of the committee, the family got the referral in the eviction in September. 'S summer is still long, and while others are preparing to retire because of lazy holidays, we'll be here in our neighborhood, to defend the right to housing: the one who is in a state of emergency housing, and daily struggle for hold onto the rights. We will not go on holiday, so before you introduce it again to clear le famiglie pensateci bene, perchè siamo pronti a venire a trovarvi, al Comune, alla Regione, all'Aler, oppure nelle vostre ville, o sui vostri yatch. A Moratti, De Corato, e Osnato il messaggio è forte e chiaro: guai a chi ci tocca, la lotta per i diritti e per la casa, la solidarietà e l'autorganizzazione non vanno in vacanza!


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