Monday, June 14, 2010

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Presidium of the Committees for the right to housing

Presidio dei Comitati per il diritto alla casa

I DIRITTI NON SI SGOMBERANO! h. 17:00 presso la Prefettura

In tempi in cui la crisi si fa sentire, migliaia di persone rimangono senza lavoro,

il governo non ha alcuna intenzione di invertire la tendenza: continuano ad attaccare i poveri, tutti quelli che are affected by the crisis and increasingly struggle to make ends meet, and shunting the last crisis is proof. They ask us to make sacrifices, while the powerful and the rich continue to be privileged. They attack the fundamental rights, from school, work, healthcare. And above the house.

The housing crisis can not be managed as a matter of public policy!

The occupier is not a criminal, but a poor man who has the right to housing, and this government, instead of bothering to heal all the unauthorized building of friends entrepreneurs and gangsters, should be addressed to ensure rights for all, not privilege for the few. Continuing a media campaign (and military!) against tenants untitled (... but institutions prefer to say "illegal"!) by laying on the occupants and the lack of migrant homes: we know that the responsibilities are of someone else sitting far higher than us, who prefer to fan the flames of war between the poor so as to hide their misdeeds.

Over 5 thousand empty houses, less than 2000 assignments 2007 to present, a number of emergency housing to the accepted meaning of 'art. 15 ridiculous (about 6 thousand on a place in Milan last year), and the public housing stock (owned by the state, regions, provinces, municipalities and ATER / IACP) in the last twenty years fell by more than 20% of the houses have become paper, they were placed on the market to produce financial viability and support the economic system of banks, restructuring of enterprises and, above all, to feed the financial returns. The costs of this restructuring process burdens on families to rent but also indebted to those who buy home loans. Real estate companies are making a profit and never seen turnover increase from year to year.

Meanwhile gifts to various Scajola, Castles, Lunardi, Matteoli, and rigged contracts, land sold, the bribes paid, management mafia ... a consolidated system that involves organized crime and Summits della protezione civile, le istituzioni a molti livelli e spesso anche uomini di Chiesa, in cui a pagare sono sempre i più poveri, e ad arricchirsi sempre gli stessi.

RUBANO AI POVERI PER DARE AI SOLITI! ORA BASTA! Presidio dei Comitati per il Diritto alla Casa per il blocco degli sgomberi e per rivendicare:

- La risoluzione di tutte le domande di art. 15 in deroga ai requisiti!

- La regolarizzazione degli occupanti per necessità!

- L'abbassamento degli affitti!

- Più case popolari per risolvere l'emergenza abitativa!

Abitanti di San Siro

- Comitato di via Feltrinelli (Case of Asbestos - Rogoredo) - Need for Fourth Committee occupier Oggiaro - Ponte Lambro

Committee - Committee of Population Corvetto - Committee of Flowers (Primaticcio) - Committees for Occupant Need Bruzzano - Niguarda - text / Sarca - Giambellino

Tenants Union -

Usb - Cub

Watch the special RIGHTS NOT BREAK!


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