Saturday, July 11, 2009

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Windows 7 and the new system against copying. Here's how it works

Windows Activation Technologies (WAT) is the new name of the validation of anti-piracy technologies in Windows 7.

Alex Kochis, senior product manager of Windows Genuine Advantage, published on the official blog "Genuine Windows Blog" a summary of the most important news: "The experience to Activate Windows 7 will be familiar to users of Windows Vista SP1.

- activation experience di Windows 7 è basata su quella di Windows Vista SP1 e dovrebbe risultare familiare per gli utenti di Windows Vista SP1.

Questa include le notifiche che avvertono i clienti della necessità di attivare la propria copia

di Windows e che li aiutano con le eventuali problematiche correlate – come la possibilità che siano vittima della pirateria del software.

- Windows 7 include una esperienza di notifiche aggiornata per l'attivazione del prodotto.

Abbiamo ascoltato il feedback dei clienti, secondo cui, sebbene le notifiche che apparivano in Windows Vista fossero efficienti nell'aiutare ad avvisare i clienti, potevamo fare di più e questo sarebbe stato d'aiuto.

So for Windows 7 our goal was to do a better job of helping customers decide which action to take regarding safety. In Windows 7, we will be more detailed about what Windows is actually doing and offer more information on any actions the user should take as a result.

- In the timeframe of Windows 7, one of our goals is to improve support for installation and activation in companies and other large organizations.

We also heard from enterprise customers that there were some scenarios in which the instruments of activation could be improved to help simplify the work of IT departments.

So we have improved some existing tools for IT professionals and we have made them easier to reach in order to better support those who need to manage the activities of Windows at the organization level. An example of the new support for implementing virtualization in scenarios in which KMS hours takes into account the virtual clients.

This is important for customers who have fully virtualized environments or for customers who environments dev / test where the virtual clients are used widely.

- Other changes.

Although this is a crucial part of the experience of the product Windows 7, one of the changes we make to our anti-piracy efforts quella di distinguere meglio le generazioni della tecnologia che stiamo sviluppando. Come molti di voi sapranno, il nostro programma di validazione online, conosciuto come Windows Genuine Advantage, è un programma progettato per essere utilizzato con Windows XP.

È stato inoltre disegnato per essere aggiunto alla tecnologia di attivazione del prodotto esistente che ha iniziato ad essere diffusa su larga scala con le versioni di Windows 7 che erano già sul mercato.

L'aggiunta di WGA alla tecnologia anti-pirateria utilizzata per proteggere Windows XP è stata fondamentale per il fatto che ci ha permesso di essere molto più rapidi nella nostra risposta alle tecniche utilizzate da contraffattori e pirati. Come un risultato del successo WGA, we created a validation technology in Windows Vista from the beginning.

These components were new and were created to be used in Windows Vista. The same components, but tweaked a bit, 'the basis for the activation and validation of our technology in Windows 7. To better reflect quet'ultima generation of technology we will refer to the activation and validation of components in Windows Vista and Windows 7 with a new name, Windows Activation Technologies.

In this latest generation of technology, activation and validation work together to protect Windows from being compromised or tampered with in order to bypass the product activation. The experience and the activation steps required to solve the problems are largely similar between Windows Vista and Windows 7, although we made some improvements. In most cases, customers will simply have to activate Windows with a genuine product key to solve problems.

One of our design goals in this generation of technology is to allow Windows to become smarter over time, so we added the ability to receive new information that Windows can use to detect the latest activation exploits, tampering or other attempts to circumvent product activation, and protect them. We have also improved the online service that supports activation and validation Microsoft extended hand with monitoring systems and geo-redundancy with particular attention to the accuracy. In general

Windows 7 represents the latest technology in tools and methods that Microsoft has developed to combat software piracy.

Looking ahead, we know that there will be new exploits that hackers will try once Windows 7 is released. However, until someone tries to overcome the defenses of our product, we will work to eliminate any problem.


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