work in progress
sono molto trieste.......ero arrivata a questo punto....e da questa mattina sono bloccata per una settimana colpa di una tendinite al polso...sigh sigh sigh!!!! ero così contenta ho perso un pomeriggio intero per scegliere le stoffe....lo vedo fresco e allegro questo quilt proprio come l'amicizia!!!!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
World Best Happy Journey Sms
E DUE .............
con la variante che mi ha fatto sudare sette camicie, l'ho fatto e poi ho letto le istruzioni............forse dovevo fare il contrario, ma vero che non si vede?
Have you tried to put them close ...... for me they are beautiful.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Watch Free Eva Angelina
Hvac Vacuum Hose Ford Ranger
seems to have understood that more than someone like cats ........ here's here that two he called me from the stand the French trade fair in Vicenza ...... but I know that not everyone likes to cross stitch .... but imagine these two on a large cushion edged with a fine cotton cloth beige checkered blacks !!!!!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Football Themed Birthday Invitation Wording
Tiziana and Rita, I wish there offendeste, it is better to know now that things I say in my face, and the kindness that criticism.
there are two posts, one by one, where we welcome all.
did you noticed?
if so, is no longer used to thank?
Francesca / Kokino
Tiziana and Rita, I wish there offendeste, it is better to know now that things I say in my face, and the kindness that criticism.
there are two posts, one by one, where we welcome all.
did you noticed?
if so, is no longer used to thank?
Francesca / Kokino
Cheap Prom Houses In The Hamptons
hooray, we are able
certainly a bit 'wrong, but to see it fly the wind was a real thrill ...
What do you think?
and now? I have already started the second, I like too
certainly a bit 'wrong, but to see it fly the wind was a real thrill ...
What do you think?
and now? I have already started the second, I like too
Toddler Travel Neck Pillow Problems
Ami circolari
This week I'm stuck in a meeting but I will not leave my readers in the cold for too long.
Pending publication in the late weeks of an article today makes up really full-bodied with a short article but of equal importance: the use of circle hooks in deep-sea fishing.
Perhaps many of you are aware of a revolution now happened a few decades ago. The Fisheries
commercial use of the high seas longline primarily as a means of capture. The longlines are several kilometers long lines (10 and over 'is the norm) that are hung at regular intervals of arms leading to a single hook with bait. Each longline offshore contains a variable number of hooks but can 'get in the tens of thousands.
Most vessels have introduced the use of circle hooks by at least 20 years by increasing the effectiveness of propylene longlines up to 60-80%
But how do these hooks and how can they be so 'effective? In addition, because it 's recommended to use them?
The particularity 'round the hook is its curvature. The curve and 'closed so that the hook can hardly grasp within the digestive tract of fish, but slides out to stop and enter the mouth area.
The major cause of mortality 'fish and' deep un'allamatura, using circle hooks effectively becomes possible to release all undersized fish with high survival rate.
With this type of love is not iron (and 'even counterproductive) that are ideal for fishing and more stationary' have a hook placed in the mouth helps unhooking operations that have sped time losses.
But there 's another particularity': I love that regulate the size of fish caught, a little love will find it hard 'to hooked a fish of size!
We have therefore a great way to select the size and increase the survival of the fish accidentally, without diminishing but rather increasing the productivity 'industry.
seems incredible but it 's all true (and known for some time) so that there are already' several studies and international conferences on the subject ( ) and now many more marine Fisheries 'delicate (large billfish, tunnidi in particular areas) have adopted or are about to adopt regulations on the exclusive use of circle hooks also in the deep sea fishing.
circle hooks with flattened barbs are as effective as normal but the hooks and unhooking 'greatly facilitated.
I wonder 'if you can' apply a solution similar to the Freshwater Fisheries ..
This week I'm stuck in a meeting but I will not leave my readers in the cold for too long.
Pending publication in the late weeks of an article today makes up really full-bodied with a short article but of equal importance: the use of circle hooks in deep-sea fishing.
Perhaps many of you are aware of a revolution now happened a few decades ago. The Fisheries
commercial use of the high seas longline primarily as a means of capture. The longlines are several kilometers long lines (10 and over 'is the norm) that are hung at regular intervals of arms leading to a single hook with bait. Each longline offshore contains a variable number of hooks but can 'get in the tens of thousands.
Most vessels have introduced the use of circle hooks by at least 20 years by increasing the effectiveness of propylene longlines up to 60-80%
But how do these hooks and how can they be so 'effective? In addition, because it 's recommended to use them?
A shark caught using circle hooks
The particularity 'round the hook is its curvature. The curve and 'closed so that the hook can hardly grasp within the digestive tract of fish, but slides out to stop and enter the mouth area.
The major cause of mortality 'fish and' deep un'allamatura, using circle hooks effectively becomes possible to release all undersized fish with high survival rate.
With this type of love is not iron (and 'even counterproductive) that are ideal for fishing and more stationary' have a hook placed in the mouth helps unhooking operations that have sped time losses.
But there 's another particularity': I love that regulate the size of fish caught, a little love will find it hard 'to hooked a fish of size!
We have therefore a great way to select the size and increase the survival of the fish accidentally, without diminishing but rather increasing the productivity 'industry.
seems incredible but it 's all true (and known for some time) so that there are already' several studies and international conferences on the subject ( ) and now many more marine Fisheries 'delicate (large billfish, tunnidi in particular areas) have adopted or are about to adopt regulations on the exclusive use of circle hooks also in the deep sea fishing.
circle hooks with flattened barbs are as effective as normal but the hooks and unhooking 'greatly facilitated.
I wonder 'if you can' apply a solution similar to the Freshwater Fisheries ..
Favour Tag Wording Love Is Sweet
E 'Here comes another K-goose !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!
Tiziana is called, is in Trieste.
we met from Point de Marque, not really known ... I remember someone asked me Lusco between the sharp and some Australian designer name, the name of my blog .....
months have passed I do not know how he met Claudia and I believe it is combined with a job that is about to begin with vineyards and Ale.
writes me today if he can join us, friendly, alarm clock, it was already procured the book has already opened a bloggin.
+ the web is small in the world?
WELCOME TIZIANA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Franci / Kokino
Tiziana is called, is in Trieste.
we met from Point de Marque, not really known ... I remember someone asked me Lusco between the sharp and some Australian designer name, the name of my blog .....
months have passed I do not know how he met Claudia and I believe it is combined with a job that is about to begin with vineyards and Ale.
writes me today if he can join us, friendly, alarm clock, it was already procured the book has already opened a bloggin.
+ the web is small in the world?
WELCOME TIZIANA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Franci / Kokino
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Best Rated Subwoofer For Under Truck Seats
I finally had to write something ....... UN'IMBRANATA ARE CRAZY .... Was it the age ......
arrived only now, but I APPLY ........
Cancer Sore On Uvalva
WELCOME TO RITA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he saw the work of Brunello and it was 'in love:)
AND IF' friend are excellent, as BRUNELLA WILL YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!
ben'arrivata Rita, from March 1 we started the second block, no, we have nothing ... there are girls who have not yet started the first ... and I do not do names ...
for each block we decided a deadline of one month and a half.
see if the translations Vania do not worry ... is that we do not have your head in place.
for each block are also serious translation. While aspects
the book can, if you want, start to choose stoffine and make cuts.
so I hope you enjoy yourself with us:)
a big hug
WELCOME TO RITA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he saw the work of Brunello and it was 'in love:)
AND IF' friend are excellent, as BRUNELLA WILL YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!
ben'arrivata Rita, from March 1 we started the second block, no, we have nothing ... there are girls who have not yet started the first ... and I do not do names ...
for each block we decided a deadline of one month and a half.
see if the translations Vania do not worry ... is that we do not have your head in place.
for each block are also serious translation. While aspects
the book can, if you want, start to choose stoffine and make cuts.
so I hope you enjoy yourself with us:)
a big hug
Friday, March 4, 2011
Ncu What Does It Mean
place finally finished the first block .... ; ; ;
As you can see, the blonde, IRINA, as well as to shop in the center, has moved from PETINEUSE and has made the shots of sun ...
blackberry, Cosima, for MIMMA friends, until the waiting has been found with the TINA ...
do not know if it's my impression, but I see a little leaning to the left, as if it were a little unsteady on his legs ...
Kokino, you are sure that the TINA is a good girl ... because I heard some rumors going around and I never want to ... you know ...
place finally finished the first block .... ; ; ;
| |||||||||
| | | | | | | | | |
and TA-DAAAA also the embroidery of the second
As you can see, the blonde, IRINA, as well as to shop in the center, has moved from PETINEUSE and has made the shots of sun ...
blackberry, Cosima, for MIMMA friends, until the waiting has been found with the TINA ...
do not know if it's my impression, but I see a little leaning to the left, as if it were a little unsteady on his legs ...
Kokino, you are sure that the TINA is a good girl ... because I heard some rumors going around and I never want to ... you know ...
Thursday, March 3, 2011
now we have to write it.
can also be a 20alogo a 13alogo, what is needed.
I start with something, look to your ideas, please.
now we have to write it.
can also be a 20alogo a 13alogo, what is needed.
I start with something, look to your ideas, please.
- the real K-goose has only one motto: "I have so many stoffine that sometimes I wonder if I will ever use them all before I die ... if not I'll make it, then I won!
- the real K-goose shares, is generous and gives pleasure to the stoffine friends.
- the real K-goose has five nine work in progress.
- the real K-goose is fair to patch with a trolley.
- the real K-goose has a box of stoffine so fine that does not have the guts to cut. Holds for a special project ...
- The ver-K geese prefer cats: stoffine enter the drawers and make a nice nap, get on the table where you work and check everything, they sit on the embroidery you are doing, like to walk and lie down on the boulders for resting land. They love the patchwork and are actively engaged in work.
- The real K-goose Sonta Sonta Sonta
Pokemon Crystal Jar Indir
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Extreme Diaper Rash From Diarrhea
coined the term
THE K-goose
be K-geese is a way of life?
feel of the real K-geese?
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
How Adriana Lima Would Look Without Her Eyeshape
Ciao Marco
Today I am a bit 'melancholy and strength I have to dedicate a post to my friend Mark.
Marco and I do not share only the name but also a great passion for fishing. Like me, Mark and 'moved to Finland a few years ago looking for work in his field and, like me (and how many others) and' ended up working as a waiter in a restaurant.
We met the first time in a basketball game, thanks to a mutual friend, and within minutes we were already 'agreed to do some fishing out together.
Thanks Mark the car the girl managed to go fishing in the lakes that are found in the forests just outside the city '. I still remember the first exit: the third launch was already 'managed to lose but he had pulled a bait pike on the first day of the first half to beat' lake. A great day, even though the map and 'wound up with the rain and we were to wander through swamps and mosquitoes until late. When
and 'without a boat or belly boat lakes are the best soil in the forests. You grind km, you see fantastic places and take pike although the sizes are often not phenomenal.
Keep it up 'for a whole season until autumn, when Marco was able' to do some exit in barca con un suo amico finlandese nel Baltico, provando per le prime volte il jerkbait con una canna che gli avevo prestato. Niente lucci da metro per quell'anno ma perca e persici abbastanza cattivi da buttarsi sui buster jerk.
Arriva la primavera 2010 e decido che e' arrivato il momento di comprare la barca. Lavoro extra e settimane di ferie buttate ma ce la faccio. Marco e' gentile e mi svergina la barca con il primo luccio sopra il metro. Con Marco e Andoni dividiamo bei momenti di vita e di pesca nell'arcipelago, compresa la disavventura di rompere l'elica e dover tornare in porto con mezzi di fortuna.
Nel frattempo inframmezziamo le uscite in barca con parecchie uscite in waders insieme ad Andoni. C'e' un grande spirito che ci accomuna ed ogni uscita e' divertimento, anche quando i lucci non cooperano. Ci si prende per i fondelli, si ride e si scherza, 3 persone accomunate dalla passione per uno sport che permette di vivere la natura a stretto contatto.
Io e Marco entriamo in acqua fino alla fine, quando la temperatura esterna e' ormai sotto lo 0 e quella dell'acqua ci si avvicina. Quando non ce la facciamo piu' si esce con la barca del suo amico finlandese, visto che il mio motore nel frattempo ha dato forfait. Neve vento e ghiaccio nelle baie non lo fermano e Marco infila il suo terzo pesce sopra il metro nel giro di qualche mese.
Today Marco leaves for Italy with the machine and a computer full of videos to watch during the fishing boat. His girlfriend Nina and her son Robin, who was born recently, joins him on the plane.
Back to Italy to try to find a job for which he studied. Back with all the fishing equipment in the region although there are many waters for pike, but now it's in the blood and I'm sure you will succeed with its determination 'to pull out of large fish even from the difficult waters Italian. Back to the fisherman with a great respect for the fish and great love for the C & R.
Without him, the outputs fisheries will no longer be 'the same (and probably will buy' less bait).
Ciao Marco, in bocca al lupo per tutto! Ci vediamo presto!
Today I am a bit 'melancholy and strength I have to dedicate a post to my friend Mark.
Marco and I do not share only the name but also a great passion for fishing. Like me, Mark and 'moved to Finland a few years ago looking for work in his field and, like me (and how many others) and' ended up working as a waiter in a restaurant.
We met the first time in a basketball game, thanks to a mutual friend, and within minutes we were already 'agreed to do some fishing out together.
Thanks Mark the car the girl managed to go fishing in the lakes that are found in the forests just outside the city '. I still remember the first exit: the third launch was already 'managed to lose but he had pulled a bait pike on the first day of the first half to beat' lake. A great day, even though the map and 'wound up with the rain and we were to wander through swamps and mosquitoes until late. When
and 'without a boat or belly boat lakes are the best soil in the forests. You grind km, you see fantastic places and take pike although the sizes are often not phenomenal.
Keep it up 'for a whole season until autumn, when Marco was able' to do some exit in barca con un suo amico finlandese nel Baltico, provando per le prime volte il jerkbait con una canna che gli avevo prestato. Niente lucci da metro per quell'anno ma perca e persici abbastanza cattivi da buttarsi sui buster jerk.
Arriva la primavera 2010 e decido che e' arrivato il momento di comprare la barca. Lavoro extra e settimane di ferie buttate ma ce la faccio. Marco e' gentile e mi svergina la barca con il primo luccio sopra il metro. Con Marco e Andoni dividiamo bei momenti di vita e di pesca nell'arcipelago, compresa la disavventura di rompere l'elica e dover tornare in porto con mezzi di fortuna.
Nel frattempo inframmezziamo le uscite in barca con parecchie uscite in waders insieme ad Andoni. C'e' un grande spirito che ci accomuna ed ogni uscita e' divertimento, anche quando i lucci non cooperano. Ci si prende per i fondelli, si ride e si scherza, 3 persone accomunate dalla passione per uno sport che permette di vivere la natura a stretto contatto.
Io e Marco entriamo in acqua fino alla fine, quando la temperatura esterna e' ormai sotto lo 0 e quella dell'acqua ci si avvicina. Quando non ce la facciamo piu' si esce con la barca del suo amico finlandese, visto che il mio motore nel frattempo ha dato forfait. Neve vento e ghiaccio nelle baie non lo fermano e Marco infila il suo terzo pesce sopra il metro nel giro di qualche mese.
Today Marco leaves for Italy with the machine and a computer full of videos to watch during the fishing boat. His girlfriend Nina and her son Robin, who was born recently, joins him on the plane.
Back to Italy to try to find a job for which he studied. Back with all the fishing equipment in the region although there are many waters for pike, but now it's in the blood and I'm sure you will succeed with its determination 'to pull out of large fish even from the difficult waters Italian. Back to the fisherman with a great respect for the fish and great love for the C & R.
Without him, the outputs fisheries will no longer be 'the same (and probably will buy' less bait).
Ciao Marco, in bocca al lupo per tutto! Ci vediamo presto!
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