Sunday, January 30, 2011

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Trote notevoli

This week, for reasons of force majeure, and I do not 'technically possible to compile a complete post.

Luckily the life of a blogger (like the real one) is not 'made only after and committed seriousness'. Today
then sit back in his chair and relax, go for a succession of species of trout phenotypically significant. With a few notes in the margin.

golden trout (© Gino-Flick)

Golden trout Oncorhynchus
(mykiss) aguabonita

E 'the fish of the State of California and e 'as originating in the Golden Trout Creek (fancy eh?). It was formerly considered a separate species threatened by introductions of brown trout and rainbow trade (which are derived from steeelhead). Lately seems to have fallen to the rank of sub-species of steelhead, which la nuova denominazione.
In questo caso e' forse sbagliato parlare di sub-specie o di specie ma si puo' parlare forse di semispecie: non c'e' molto accordo fra gli autori su quale sia la denominazione valida e se le specie siano effettivamente allopatriche e difficilmente ci sara' mai.
Inoltre attenzione alla confusione con la Golden Rainbow Trout che e' invece il prodotto di selezioni ed incroci tra trote iridee ed e' sostanzialmente una trota iridea albina (ma non necessariamente sterile) e di simile ha solo il nome.
In ogni modo una trota con una bellissima livrea ed una specie a rischio.

Trote dalla gola tagliata di Yellowstone (©FishEyeGuyPhotography)

Cutthroat trout Oncorhynchus clarkii

Until recently it was named Salmo clarkii and were attributed to about 16 subspecies, now wants the fashion Onchorynchus reclassified in the genus that includes all salmon and trout peaceful. The number of subspecies seems to have fallen to 11.
are spread throughout the chain of the Rocky Mountains and a few people and 'also anadromous, dating from the Pacific. In reality, 'it seems that many of the subspecies are virtually identical from a genetic perspective.

trout red line (Sportsman © Habitat)

Redband trout Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri

native of Colorado and Fraser rivers' (maybe) a subspecies of rainbow trout. What was once defined as trutta Salmo gairdneri . Presents us with 'a band of color more' alive and more black spots' and large white tips on fins. It grows and grows so quickly that almost all of the rainbow. At the time, and not 'in particular danger.

An Apache trout ( © U.S. Fish and Wildlife)

Apache trout Oncorhynchus
(gilae) apache

Described alternately as a subspecies or as a species in itself and 'a trout widespread in Arizona and is characterized by small spots spread throughout the body. Features are the spots around the eyes. The population of this trout and 'a critical state and in an effort to eliminate the main cause of degradation (the genetic hybridization) is completely sterilize streams compromise.

Gila trout (Wikimedia commons)

Gila trout Oncorhynchus
gilae gilae

It 's a very special trout adapted to live in the rivers of Arizona and New Mexico. Small in size, its livery and 'characterized by numerous small spots in the upper body. Together with the Apache trout, it shares some habitats, and 'a risk endemic to North America. Over the past 30 years have made considerable efforts to conserve the species (threatened by habitat modification and hybridization).

After this brief a question may arise spontaneously: why so much confusion in the classification of trout?
The trout in the broad sense (genera Salmo and Onchorynchus) are fish with a plastic 'very easily formed and the particular characteristics of each environment that colonize, this means that potentially every single river and lake would have its species or subspecies, not just at times we may find morpho even within the same system.
It 's so that they are currently defined American trout, a subspecies for each basin.

classification and should be considered that 'only a number of comfortable boxes that we build to put in the animals and do not necessarily reflect the phylogenetic analysis of living beings. Periodically, this classification will be 'called into question by some data and will propose new classifications are able to agree better with available data (at least according to the authors).

For now, instead of breaking my head on the classification of trout (which the other group are not even the most 'complicated), we just enjoy their beauty.

PS The nomenclature of the species listed in this article, and 'what is the most popular today, but many scientists, conservators and fishermen continue to use different definitions.

PS 2 The inspiration for this article and I 'came after reading the number 35 of Fisheries

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

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OGGI SFRATTO IN VIA TRACIA AL 7 DI UNA FAMIGLIA!!! mentre comune e aler lasciano lastrate migliai di case, berlusconi regala le case alle ragazzine che si scopa e i signorini del comune pagano 44 euro al mese per una casa vista duomo

this evening at 21.00 meeting of the committee!
release of population:
They cleared another family
begins the fight for amnesty!
Today yet another proof that our government has no shame at least the last year we have endured all, we've seen municipal inspectors manage the public housing racket, tutor girls blowjobs ask dell'Aler occupants in exchange for cancellation of removal practices, politicians sitting in the PDL City to receive kickbacks from friends palazzinari, parliamentarians with the house for free thanks to contracts made up and the friendships with businessmen and mobsters ... finally the news that B. gives the houses in exchange for sex. Yet another family with children today has been cleared without notice, while accompanying his father to the youngest child in school: remain in the street, as the City provides no alternative.
data on emergency housing are scary, we are talking about tens of thousands of families waiting for years e anni per un alloggio e domande di assegnazione fatte sparire nei cassetti del Comune ( Sos Racket e Usura fece un esposto in Procura, rimasto inascoltato). In tutta la città, le case popolari vuote sono qualche migliaio, eppure rimangono ad ammuffire.

Sempre più persone restano senza lavoro, senza casa, senza reddito nè tantomeno diritti e servizi pubblici: eppure i soldi sappiamo che ci sono per i festini privati del Berlusca, per regalare case alle escort, ai politici e ai mafiosi, per comprarsi ville ad Antigua o altre località lussuriose, per finanziare i loro affari e le loro guerre.

Oggi gli abitanti di San Siro saranno per le strade del quartiere, per riprendere our rights and our needs. Government, Aler, City of Milan, or do an amnesty immediately followed the example of his friend Ben Ali: go!

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Hai la memoria di un pesce rosso..

Steve Morvell - Glass houses - Domestic goldfish (2006) - Pastel on paper Colorfix

This article begins a long-delayed mini-series on the memory of fish and their ability to 'cognitive, with a part of articles that will deal with' the skills 'cognitive and the connection between fishing and memory and a second section will deal with' the subject closely related of pain perception in fish and ethics of sport fishing or not.

Ready? Let's start!

I have often heard the phrase "you have the memory of a goldfish .." and sometimes I used it myself.
was a cliché that I truly believed for years but, as I discovered with a little bit of research later, and 'deeply flawed.

It is often said that the goldfish has a memory of only 3 seconds. It all goes back
to a popular myth, perhaps stimulated by the fact that the goldfish and 'an animal often kept in tanks too small for his size. The idea is' probably created to justify the size of these tanks, "so his memory is reset every 3 seconds .."

They even called a movie, however, 'has nothing to do with the goldfish but but rather' is a nice sentimental Irish meatloaf, not recommended unless you are fans of the genre ..

But it 's true that the goldfish, and more' fish in general have little memory?

The interesting experiment semiscientifico of Mythbusters, they teach a course complex with a goldfish in the food stimulus and testing the memory in the long run

Actually 'no, as already' and early 'just an urban legend.
The goldfish in reality 'has the capacity' of learning and memory retention quite developed compared to other fish and far from negligible. Apart from purely

television experiments, as above, were made a series of studies on the ability 'of the goldfish brain and from which' showed that the area homologous to the hippocampus of their brain is not 'completely undeveloped, so they have good capacity 'of orientation in space, unable to connect events to a context and then to relate to others and the environment.
seems that the time of acquisition (ie 'the time it takes to learn something) and a few hours or a few individual episodes, while the retention time (ie' the time it takes to forget something) is of the order a few months.
Overall the result is a very different picture from that painted by the common consciousness.

What is true for the goldfish, well prepared so 'easy to keep in the aquarium, can' be compared to other species?
In general, 'but with many reservations, several years ago and' found that individual species (and even individual people) of fish have plasticity 'different. Their brains then undergo seasonal changes and develop different parts of the brain in different ways according to environmental stimuli, their genetic code and their experiences.

And in terms of fishing do you mean? Well
and 'evidence that some species learn a lot better than others to avoid capture. For example, carp and rainbow trout are not subject to fishing pressure bite very easily in the early days but catches fall significantly within a few days' cause the fish caught and released have become very wary of baits.
Other species such as pike have a memory capacity and a 'learning much lower. Recent studies show that when subjected to pressure from the fishing pike tend to "forget" the attempts capture 2-4 days ago. The result is' a catch rate that does not collapse as in other species.
In short, it means that the fish generally have all the skills' needed to recognize a bait, associate it with the experience of capture and avoid it in future. Probably only the duration and intensity 'of this memory varies with the species.

Carp-fishing, fish one of the more 'difficult in areas with high fishing pressure (Image AnglingTimes )

But it' s just a matter of species?
appear not because 'the capacity' of learning and memory in addition to varying individual-level are influenced by variables such as the development environment. In general
fish grown in highly variable conditions, a less uniform in the presence of predators and in most environments 'large tend to develop more memory and greater ability' Association spatial / situational.

After seeing that the fish can be anything but 'stupid as you think the next article in this series will try' to take stock of the situation on a subject and that 'the logical consequence:
fish feel pain?

Kuparinen et al. 2010

van Raat 1985 and Post 2005 poorten
Askey et al. 2006
Portavella et al. Beukema 1970 2002

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

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Monday, January 17, 2011

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Pesci tropicali in Italia

A normal scene, some small fish in a ditch, but if we look more 'up close ..

A half 'of 2010, some Italian authors published an article in the journal Biological Invasions, which makes no small talk and conservationists around the world.

describe the environment of a ditch in the province of Livorno with its hot springs offers a rather unusual (but not unique, as we shall see) and draw up a checklist of species. A checklist
quite bizarre, with few native species (eel, tench, rutile) and a para-native species (carp) followed by a long list of introduced species that is done via via more 'exotic read on.
Livio, and that 'much more' me sensitive to the cichlids, publish a guide already 'in October, but I, on the contrary they are very slow, I was unable to complete the article before you today.

fish appear very strange in the ditch, are Tilapia!

Mystery and 'easily explained when you go to watch the temperature of the water of this ditch, with an average of 36 degrees, and' comparable to a good natural aquarium. The fact
species are characteristic of tropical systems with fewer than 3 members of the family dei ciclidi (tilapie) e 1 appartenente alla famiglia dei loricaridi (pesci gatto corazzati). Le comunita' ittiche alloctone sono strutturate, si trovano cioe' popolazioni con individui di tutte le dimensioni, e si assiste alla nascita di interazioni nuove tra specie alloctone che vanno a formare delle comunita' complete.

Tra parentesi gli autori dell'articolo sono stati anche aspramente criticati per aver suggerito di testare metodi di controllo su questa comunita'. Come se la normalita' fosse avere pesci tropicali e non salvaguardare specie endemiche come Melanopsis etrusca anch'essa presente nel fosso..

Beh fino a qui si potrebbe dire che e' un caso straordinario..una cosa che succede per una combinazione fortuita di fattori ambientali ed immissioni dell'uomo..
D'altra parte anche gli autori dell'articolo constatano che dove calano le temperature dell'acqua le popolazioni sono meno strutturate e meno dense. Pero'...c'e' sempre un pero'....

Pero' l'italia e' terra notorialmente soggetta ad attivita' vulcanica e ci sono zone termali da nord a sud con altrettante acque piu' o meno calde. Vuoi che non esista altro?

Se tanto mi da' tanto basta mettere il retino in acqua calda e..

Detto fatto, basta spostarsi di qualche centinaio di metri e si scopre che il lago termale che alimenta il fosso alimenta anche due laghetti di cui uno dedicato alla pesca sports. Ponds, which, needless to say, they are also home to the same species.

And if we go a bit 'over? Well I do not need to go away. This summer in Viterbo and 'was discovered a whole community' of "Guppy" (poeciliidae, in reality, 'but probably endler vabbe') in another ditch spa where the temperature never drops below 20 degrees. Again aquarium probable introduction and acclimatization thanks to the peculiar environmental conditions.
Another striking example, also published in 2010 and 'that of tilapia in the Padua area studied by White and Turin, another channel with thermal waters, another population of Oreochromis ..

In Italy, as already 'mentioned, there are many sources thermal as well as many micro-climates with details. Warm waters all year round can be found not only in volcanic areas, but also behind the house as a result of industrial cooling process, such as power plants.

The endler of Viterbo

Even in this case returns to the leitmotif of the new settlements. Where there are environmental conditions that allow survival and reproduction and 'very likely a new species is acclimated and dig a niche, more' or less. And, as already 'mentioned, and' hard to curb the number of introductions of species or type ..

Well after all, you say, however, are exceptional, restricted areas ..

Well, we're really sure? Well apparently the tilapia, which generally does not tolerate water more 'cold of 17 degrees are by no means limited to the spa but I have become widespread in many other waters with temperatures well over' hard, it seems that they can safely spend winters in the waters at 9-10 degrees ..
Here we explain the numerous captures nell'areale Po where tilapia (not further defined, probably Oreochromis ) forms large populations and poorly documented except in the occasional catch of a fisherman.

The "piranhas" caught Po

also made news in August 2009 fishing for a "piranha" in the Summer Po newspaper, notoriously thirsty for news during the summer, we're rushing headlong out to make a minimum of verification.
Any ichthyologist, or even an aquarium would have seen the teeth edges and the size and would have correctly identified the fish for a "pacu", common name that is used to indicate a "pirnha omnivore" (including several species under one umbrella).

So do not worry for swimmers (and which) of the Po, but perhaps a little 'fear of the ecosystem (already' martyred) and most of the great river 'in general on the peninsula. It is because 'in this case we are dealing with a fish convention that does not tolerate low temperatures ..

The pacu caught by Max in Veneto

About a year later, in October 2010, another fisherman caught a pacu, an area well with water most of the Veneto 'cold that which can 'be the Po in August ...
Resistance? One specimen in the end of life (though he ate and fought with force)? A fish released the day before from an aquarium?

not be alarmed at this stage, to better monitor the situation and keep the environment and monitored the spread of new species before making claims easy.
course and 'that so many certainties, on closer inspection, are not so' certain and we should think not once but many times before risking to download the contents of your aquarium in the river ..

White and Turin 2010
Piazzini et al. 2010

Friday, January 14, 2011

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kills asbestos in public housing, that's their right to housing!

After White Rogoredo here is a new case of asbestos in public housing in Milan, and unfortunately not the last ...

We're talking about 5 blocks away to Russoli (Romulus area) were built between 70-80 years, buildings that appear quite normal but in fact are completely covered with asbestos sheets .
The odyssey of the inhabitants of these buildings began in the mid-'90s when, after some deaths from cancer wondered why the tenants of these unexpected deaths: the answer was found quickly and is all in the sheets that cover these buildings.
From that moment on, the people in a self-organized getting positive responses and repeatedly promised by the City and Aler

that, as too often happens, is not have never materialized leaving tenants to complete exposure to asbestos. From the stories of the inhabitants of via Russoli emerge many similarities with the experience of White, for example, that the whole surrounding area is full of harmful material buried in the false transfers made during the dismantling of industries, because a few months ago were blocked work on the enlargement of the private university IULM (owned Berlusconi family) because of the discovery of dozens of bags of asbestos buried. As the White and most popular
homes, even mansions Russoli street have been abandoned by the City and Aler in degradation, only for the money to make renovations, and then left to decay procurement structures. Asbestos in popular pear 'is not limited a queste esperienze, da dati aler è presente in un appartamento su tre ben distribuito nei quartieri da San Siro, Giambellino, Quarto, Corvetto, Rogoredo, Niguarda, Corso XXII marzo, Gallaratese, Molise-Calvairate e anche sopratutto la provincia da Buccinasco a Rho a Cologno Monzese e purtroppo ci aspettiamo in molte altre situazioni.

Come ribadito anche dagli abitanti di via russoli è inaccettabile che nella Milano dell'Expo governata dalla giunta
mafio-fascista di Moratti and company ci siano cittadini che muoiono per le loro inadempienze. Nella Milano in cui gli appalti riguardanti l'edilizia vengono mangiati dalle imprese private legate al comune, in cui il problema emergency housing on more than 120,000 people and at the same time sees
plate and empty apartments, where families have been cleared and are raised month after month's rent, where land reclamation over the last twenty years have been made only by companies linked all'ndrangheta as demonstrated by several investigations under way (in Bisceglie seized from a few months ago, the area of \u200b\u200bSanta Giulia and the many other areas seized) committees are tired of stolen day days after their rights and their health and life.
E 'today's news that the rehabilitation of buildings will begin in via Russoli in March to be completed by year-end, from the comments of the residents is clear that these words have been repeated too many times to be credible, in a dramatic game of false promises of Aler and the City on the skin of its citizens.

Video interviews with residents via Russoli:
Franco-committee of tenants

-Committee Giancarlo tenants

pictures of homes via Russoli:

Map of the houses with asbestos - Map public buildings

Audio committees for the housing rights of Milan and province on the asbestos issue in public housing:

-Elena white Rogoredo

interviste/2010/febbraio/100211_Elenawhite.mp3 {audio} {/ audio}

-Gaetano housing in Buccinasco -Committee San Siro inhabitants


- video investigation

-video c6tv February 27, 2009


-Oscar White "Milan South East"

-Artists against asbestos "remix south east milan"

Press & web

Asbestos in public housing in March to start the reclamation

republic from January 14, 2010

asbestos in public housing, street to 'survey the ASL acquire the medical

republic from January 11, 2010
Back' s Asbestos alert via Russoli never made the promised land reclamation dall'Aler
republic from January 9, 2010

The City: a recovery plan ready in via Russoli, alarm asbestos nelel homes Aler, tumors from growing

February 27, 2009 repubbllica

Asbestos 300 deaths a year in Milan

November 13, 2009 by courier

Asbestos remediation in part via a courier Russoli

March 13, 2009

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Sondaggio del mese scorso

The survey last month on the regulation of fishing reported results quite striking.

9 of the 14 voters believe that the situation is disastrous and totally lacking. 3
consider the partially deficient, but not sufficiently applied. Only 2
fishing in areas where they believe the legislation is reasonable and practical.

course, are numbers that are not statistical but could be interesting expand the discussion in the comments on this post.

Let us know what's wrong (even anonymously), clearly indicating the area you are referring to and the reasons for which you have expressed the hope that way. Of course, also applies to those who believe in their zones, the administration is doing a good job, we must also identify the good and not just the brand.

you might be an interesting debate and we could all learn something new.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

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Sunday, January 23, 2010 at

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Sunday, January 9, 2011

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