Thursday, October 28, 2010

A Real Life Example Of Linear Pair

Mafiopoli Tales # 2: October 30

Mafiopoli Tales # 2:
A fascinating new scenario opens Mafiopoli, that real economic capital and crossroads di interessi gigamiliardari getta i ponti (ovviamente appaltati ad amici intimi) al di la dell'oceano. Basta con il grigiore metropolitano, il lavoro precario, la mobilità a stento, i diritti negati, i militari e i poliziotti ad ogni angolo della strada: andiamo tutti ad Antigua, il paradiso caraibico! Forse aveva questo in mente la nostra amata sindaca quando ha firmato l'accordo con il governo dell'isola, 140 milioni di euro (ufficiosamente, perchè i dati veri sono un segreto) per consentire a una folta schiera di milanesi, armata di ukulele e collana di fiori, di fare i bagagli per lasciarsi alle spalle definitivamente la vita di città e dedicarsi alla pesca e allo sport. E chi meglio del cittadino più illustre, nonchè premier of our country, could set an example to his fellow citizens? On the other hand, does anyone have a couple of offshore companies, some account in Switzerland and a handful of great speculation and illegal activities from which to draw money to build some nice villone on the beach? Everything else to the foundation Expo, with public money that finances the public lighting, sports fields and a school for young players, transport and links with the mainland, habitat and conservation of coral reefs and grants study of young Antiguan, earning a few points ahead of Smyrna competitor in the race for the award of the World's Fair. A noble project
and ambitious. But here, in our Mafiopoli, the accounts are still not fit. While the money flying around in the dream destination, all that the villa in Antigua do not have it must make do. And so the popular neighborhoods do not change a comma, with dilapidated buildings, no care for the environment and roads, and the closure of basic services and all areas of social life. Who can enjoy the Caribbean beaches, well-lit by hundreds of lanterns given away by the Milan Expo, and who will be left without light and gas in their homes or because defaulting occupant. Speculators in the territory and the lives of people, raping the earth, wasting hundreds of concrete and having vacant buildings, and those who can not to pay rent, let alone a mortgage.
Money wasted votes to beat Smyrna bought in the race for the Expo, hundreds of people left to themselves. But not all. We even discovered that Aler, the company that takes care of public housing assets, as well as keeping vacant apartments only about 5000 in Milan, in addition to evacuate those who can not afford the rent and who occupied a house out of necessity, does not seem problems have had to rent instead (do not know what, of course) two spaces it owns two openly neo-Nazi groups: the first is "Earth and people", junction of Pound House and the Northern League, who organized meetings "cultural" tra i quali ricordiamo il suggestivo "che razza di scuola sarà" con Mario Borghezio a sproloquiare sulla presenza di stranieri nelle nostre scuole; la seconda la ben più dura "Lealtà e azione", diretta emanazione di Hammerskin Italia, una banda di ragazzoni tatuati e pelati che si rifanno alla organizzazione Hammerskin, una costola staccatasi dallo statunitense Ku Klux Klan, ritenuto troppo moderato, che per festeggiare la marcia su Roma ha recentemente organizzato un convegno sul gerarca SS Leon Degrelle. E ancora, sono già in mano del partito dichiaratamente fascista Forza Nuova le chiavi di un altro spazio dell'Aler la cui inaugurazione è prevista il 18 dicembre, nonostante dopo le mobilitazioni degli ultimi giorni pare sia stata revocata the assignment. Not without regret that Councillor pidiellina Capotosti already honored by the news when he attended the parade in honor of fascist Ramelli after which changing the classification greetings Romans as "nonsense" and called his comrades "good guys". These are the stories of Mafiopoli.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sport That Begins With U

Pike - further action from the world of management

Seeding of luccetti? Maybe you 'and maybe not ..

So far we have spoken often of management of the population but mostly 'on the side of the amateur fishing regulations, but we missed virtually all other aspects of managing a population.

Continuing with the discussion we will try to touch then, slowly, all other aspects such as placement of juveniles, protection of the areas of care etc..

continue to refer to the example of the pike, I remember, being a fish predator "average" in every sense and 'a good model to talk about this topic.

We assume that there are two classes of factors that influence the size of a population of fish: factors that tend to increase the density 'and those that tend to diminish it.
Can 'seem banal, but this distinction and' the basis for all subsequent management decisions.

In a population in crisis from one side to be blocked as much as' possible causes of decreased density ', while boosting the mechanisms of increased density'.

Come penso chiunque si sia accorto ultimamente le popolazioni di luccio, specialmente in Italia, sono in crisi.

I motivi di questo declino sono senza dubbio molteplici:
- Rimozione da parte dei pescatori
- Mortalita' naturale
- Inquinamento (anche se il luccio per la verita' e' abbastanza resistente)
- Competizione/interazione con altre specie introdotte (luccioperca, bass, siluro) e predazione ( uccelli acquatici)
- Distruzione delle aree di frega e disturbo della stessa
- Malattie e parassitosi

Come detto in tante altre occasioni e' stupido ed inutile agire su di un solo aspetto delle problematiche di un ecosistema. Certamente ha senso dare delle priorita' action phenomena affecting more and those that are solvable with minimal effort, but 'if you do not act a bit' on all fronts is likely to work for nothing.

is to provide for a population of fish in a crisis, think about what you like no matter the species. If this population and 'harassed by all the problems of the previous list try to think of fishing without completely blocking action on other issues.
What would happen?
While not intentionally removing any item from the system would not be able to breed the fish (damn disturbed or missing ranges of care) and the population continues to collapse, there would also periodic die-offs due to pollution and finally you end up with very few examples in a completely degraded.

As the survey also reveals the home page, the opinion is on what is really a priority to address are very different. What is clear, however, 'is that the issues are many and contemporary.

So what to do? let 's see what options are available to increase the stock of a species.

A planting of adult material (photo Esox2000)

introduction of fish
It 's the measure perhaps the most' popular, like the fishermen because '"they throw fish in water" and Like administrators and politicians' cause the money investment is a material response that results in consensus and then vote.
When entries are made of adult fish usually aims to be the so-called "put and take Fisheries", to use Italian terms you enter fishing fish ready to be taken home early by sport fishermen. Generally, these entries are made with sterile individuals, although in some cases, sterilization is not 'total and can' lead to the placing of a new species that involuntary eventually settle.
There are also cases where entries are made of adult fish in affected areas to maximize the survival of fish released (for example, what are friends for Esox2000 ). In
most cases you prefer to enter examples at the end of the larval stage because of lower production costs, while being aware of the disastrous survival rate.
But just how many of these fish survive? How effective are the entries?
It 's very hard to say, or better, and' quite possible to assess the effectiveness of a nuisance but it 's impossible to give a survival rate which is valid for all environments (or for all species).
The main factors which determine the success of such an operation are the density 'of the fry, the availability' food, the density 'of the resident population, the presence and distribution of repair.
In general in the case of the pike you can 'have a survival rate at the end of the first year of between 0.5% and 10%. Fry released in 1000, unfortunately, only 50 will reach an average live next autumn, and even less to reach maturity 'sex, and those' hard to say really .. sure that the goal of a nuisance and 'help the natural reproduction, and because the numbers are sufficiently high (usually in the tens of thousands) in the long run can make a significant contribution. There
'who says that years of alternating density of entries in' years of entries with high low-density 'will simulate the effect of natural reproduction with annual fluctuations but there are no conclusive studies on the subject.

Inoculation of juvenile pike (old photo, launch Low Treviso)

protection and care
'One of the most' popular in the protection of populations during the spawning period is subject to a fishery closures to allow the population to maximize the success of reproduction.
What is rarely applied instead and 'protection of the areas of care themselves. The reeds were removed, the eggs put into dry by the waves of the boats or from changes in water levels. Protecting the natural and
care 'of paramount importance for species such as pike naturally prolific. I remember one mature female produces an average of 25,000 eggs per kg. As we have seen many of those eggs to hatch but do not reach even in a population with a few hundred players, this translates into a significantly high.
protection of the areas and period of care can 'safely allow recovery of a declining population, even without additional measures, if it comes to species with high fecundity'.

Lucci playing in a typical spawning in the Baltic area (photo by Simon Graham, Pike Fly Fishing Articles blog)

Rising immigration from other areas
It 's not the case Pike or at least particularly but not all species perform movements in the waters where they are present. In the case of rivers, the architecture can act as a barrier to these movements effectively isolating stretches of river.
The construction of ladders and allows a natural migration to overcome these barriers. In this way, a declining population may 'increase the mere movement of individuals from an area density' more 'high. Always remember that the movement can 'take place in both directions.
For the pike this could not be so 'as crucial for salmonids but to ensure a flow of individuals between populations helps to distribute the benefits of protected areas, and this applies to all species.

ladder mounts on the River Vantaa in Helsinki (fortunately not all ladders and steps are extreme ..)

For too long it does not return the rest of the points to date to be decided ..

- Skov et al.
2002 - 1988
Raat - Sutela et al. 2003

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Unsecured Security Cameras

PEELED AND THE CARIBBEAN! SAN SIRO NOT 'A GHETTO! manifestation of the neighborhood!


Il 30 ottobre il COMITATO PER IL DIRITTO ALLA CASA DI SAN SIRO invita tutti e tutte a scendere in piazza ore 15.00 in piazza selinunte!
In quartiere il lavoro quotidiano di associazioni, comitati, collettivi, spazi sociali e di alternativa culturale, fa di San Siro un quartiere particolare, dove i diritti si conquistano a partire by solidarity, by mutual help, mutual aid from. The numerous after-school and also the majesty ... kings and masters from the bottom trying to test new ways of non-formal education through innovative projects with the children, the schools are as common as painted by the smaller ghettos real places of cultural heritage. We had inherited a dormitory area, affected by the lack of concrete actions and basic social services by the institutions and the shortage of spaces of social and cultural rights. For this time, we work to build a different reality with our strengths: a 'viable alternative.
institutions dealing with us, as degli altri quartieri popolari, solamente sotto campagna elettorale. Alle istituzioni che si occupano di noi come degli altri quartieri popolari solamente sotto campagna elettorale, quando capita di vedere Sindaco e Vice Sindaco attraversare i nostri mercati tappandosi il naso mandiamo un messaggio forte e chiaro: SAN SIRO NON DIVENTERA’ UN GHETTO, e non vi lasceremo mettere in atto i vostripiani!



blocking evictions and evictions THE JUSTIFICATION OF TENANTS UNTITLED
a quarter do not militarized, BEAUTIFUL AND ALL living '...

... AND YOU?



- Browse shockpress 003 "Right to the City!"

- Read "Welcome to Mafiopoli "

- Read the Committees for Housing Rights "

Aler Milan favors the Nazi
" - Read the article "In the midst of San Siro a school in the district "from

- Watch the video interview with Fred Manzi municipal inspectors on the arrests related to public housing racket

- Watch
video interview with Mark Alfieri, author of " The Black Plague of Milan " ; feature = player_embedded




MILAN, pastry chef of the Arab school




Friday, October 15, 2010

Football Kicker Workout

Fish - Fish Eye barrel

image of a fish with eyes barrel (provided by National Geographic and filmed from the Monterey Bay Aquarium)

With this post I will start a new series (as if those outstanding were not enough). The goal
Fish at the main World Series wants to be to do a rundown of the various forms that the animal 'fish' can take, each time selecting a feature interesting and perhaps little known. Today we talk about

Opisthoproctidi , a relatively unknown family of fishes in the abyssal barrel-shaped eyes are sunken in the head in an upright position. In this way the fish can distinguish the silhouette of the bodies that pass over. They are however 'can also rotate forward, at least to see what they're putting in your mouth.
In the film the fish ( Macropinna microstomia ) has eyes in his head and see through the skull cap (soft) with the transparency thereof. Although known for decades, and 'was difficult to film live and in its natural environment.

I'll try 'to not only put fish abysmal (even if their triumphs) promised.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

3rd Elmo Birthday Invitation Rhyme

Ghoti / Gothi - Conference

the undersigned in an international conference last year, fortunately the room was completely empty ..

Being busy with other things there have been many updates on the blog lately, it 'will be there next week since I'm away for a conference ..

therefore minimal post today and more 'ironic than anything else.

Do you know what are the Gothi?

Recently, the term refers to people who dress in Gothic style, a very popular category here at my place, which includes mostly 'heavy metal fan, but lately he has' extended to other categories of people. Dressed in black or purple, pale skin, black makeup (for men).

ancient times, the time of the Vikings (500-1300 AD more 'or less) in Scandinavia, the term referred to a boss or a prelate. This term probably derived from the word Goths (Population) and Gothic (language) Germanic nell'areale localized but already 'in decline in 500 AD.

What has this to do with fish? Am I completely crazy?

No quiet, and 'just that George Bernard Shaw, Irish playwright and Nobel Prize for Literature for the Oscar-winning film, besides being a socialist ultraconvinto also had a wicked sense of humor in the English language.

E 'generally ascribed to him the construction of the word Ghoti to illustrate the inconsistencies of the English language.
fact, the word fish (fish) could be pronounced as ghoti (invented word) place:

  • gh,  pronunciata  /f/  come in  tough   /tʌf/ ;

  • o,  pronunciata  /ɪ/  come in  women   /ˈwɪmɪn/ ; and

  • ti,  pronunciata  /ʃ/  come in  nation   /ˈne͡ɪʃən/ .

  • Many linguists have fought if this word is valid only as a joke and probably not 'even an idea of \u200b\u200bGB Shaw, however,' the editors of a magazine as serious as Fish and Fisheries has established a special section called Ghoti within their which are home to letters, comments and opinions.

    Scientists have a sense of humor all their own.

    Friday, October 1, 2010

    Extreme Punishment Dares


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